Chapter 24

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Janis' POV

   We were stuck on a ship floating around in space for 22 days. It was just me, Nebula, and dad up there. Dad did his best to keep himself entertained and make the best of what was left, but I didn't really move from the seat I was in, wrapped in a blanket. I was truly depressed and in anguish, hoping for a miracle but knowing that it was unlikely. Oxygen was about to run out, so my hopes were as lost as we were. I was still awake when my dad began to drift off, and I watched as Nebula moved him to a seat. I felt the air getting thin around us, but I didn't want to die in my sleep. I just wanted to suffocate while watching the stars around us. I started to notice a glow ascend before my eyes. Could it be a missile? Another ship? It was none of those things. It was a woman, composed of pure light. I thought I was hallucinating or having a vision before my ultimate demise.

   The woman basically carried our vessel back to earth. I wasn't sure how she knew to find us, who she was, why she was helping, or anything. I just knew we were going home, or at least what was left of it. When the hatch opened, Tony stepped out first and Steve helped him down. I was taking my time, whether it be due to weakness or anxiety of seeing the person I left behind 20-some-odd days before who I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to see ever again. I got to the top of the steps and saw my dad and Pepper greeting each other, then my eyes caught Steve. He seemed stunned, communicating that he assumed I had been dusted also. I made my way down and he rushed his way up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry, Steve. I'm so sorry." I repeated, starting to cry. I was sorry for how I left things. He told me it was alright and that he was just happy to see me again and carried me the rest of the way down.

   We gathered to get information on what we missed. I was in better shape than my dad, but not by a whole lot. I listened with full intentions of following what they were planning to do, and Steve wanted any intel we could give. My dad began ranting and raving, both out of delusion and pent-up anger at Steve. Uncle Rhodey was trying to get him to chill out, and I sat and annalized the situation in my head. There was a reel of photos on the hologram of people who were dusted, and my heart sank when I saw Bucky's face among the others. When my dad had finally worked himself up enough to lose the little energy he had, it reminded me of when my mom was sick and would get dizzy or pass out when doing the same thing. He was taken to a bed to rest, and I stayed put.

   Our new friend Carol was gung-ho on getting right to business and everyone drew her back in to work together. Nebula and Rocket narrowed down where Thanos was and it was concluded that the stone could bring back the 50% of living creatures that were vaporized.

"Let's get to it then, you lead and I follow," I said, slowly getting up from my chair. Steve rushed up and sat me back down,

"You just got back, and you're in no condition to face this guy again. Not yet." He responded. I shook my head,

"This asshole took my friends, I'm looking to take another crack at him. Please, Steve." I pleaded but he wouldn't budge. I could see it in his face, like always. He just got me back. I sighed, "Fine," I started, grabbing the front of his shirt and yanking him closer, "But you better come back."

   They did come back, but without the stones in tow. Over the next five years, living a normal life was a struggle. Steve was heading a support group at the VA, preaching moving forward but having a hard time following that practice himself. He and I were still together and doing what we could to stay that way. With how messed up everything became, marriage was never brought up again and that seemed to be okay. We struggled but appreciated that we still had each other while others weren't so lucky. Some would say we stuck together out of convenience, but we would disagree. The discussion of repopulation, in our own sense, was regular but was another struggle. The execution was easy, but the outcome was always the same. I couldn't shake the idea of us having a kid, but I also kept having my doubts about bringing one into this world, as it is. We eventually stopped trying and I went back on the pill.

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