Chapter 14

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Janis' POV

    I knew I was going to be nervous, but I didn't think it would be this bad. Tony's been letting up a bit since our talk, so I feel that this conversation won't be so bad. He was sitting at the table, coffee in one hand and a pen in another. Everyone else was in the kitchen, following the usual morning routine. I waited for America's Sweethearts to get home from their workout before initiating phase one of my plan. I clutched my car key in my hand as I walked up to my dad.

"What's up, kiddo?" He greeted me on sight. I'm here, now I just need to come out with it.

"I'm going to go out for a little while with Steve. Just letting you know so you don't worry." I informed him, respectfully. I wasn't asking permission. The room quieted around us as the team became the peanut gallery. Dad choked on his coffee, mid-sip. After clearing his throat, he leaned back a bit.

"Who's going with you?" He questioned. I knew he would be a hard-ass. I kept my composure and continued,

"Steve's going with me, that's all I need. Like how you let me go with Wanda alone... I think it'll be fine." I knew what he meant, and he knew I wasn't dumb. I noticed Pepper slowly approaching behind him as he kept grilling me.

"That was under different circumstances. I think you should have Nat ride along this time." My dad pushed. Pepper put a hand on his shoulder and spoke up,

"The circumstances aren't that different at all, Honey. Thank you for letting us know your plans, have a good time!" She quickly exclaimed. Dad looked up at Pepper like she had overstepped, and with that, I bolted to the quarters to acquire my date.

Pepper's POV

"Why would you do that?" Tony asked me. He was clearly not happy about me making the decision against his wishes.

"Why would you let her go on a date with Wanda, knowing it was a date, but not let her hang out with Steve for a bit?"

"That wasn't an easy choice either, but I trusted that they would be careful. I already know Janis is reckless with Capsicle. She lied, rebelled, and all kinds of other things." He stated. I rolled my eyes at the comment,

"I wouldn't say she was reckless at all. Did she lie? Yes, but she knew how you'd react. She's smarter than you give her credit for and I think you should just trust her. Stop overreacting and let her make her own choices, you're lucky she came over and told you what she was up to before she left." I tried my hardest to reason with him. He wanted to argue further, but he knows that she would have gone out no matter his reaction.

Janis' POV

I made it to Steve and Bucky's room and knocked hastily, trying to get a move on before Tony hits the panic button and locks everything down. The door opened and I was greeted by my sandy-haired hunk. "Are you ready?" I asked. I didn't go over the plan with him before this, so he looked confused.

"I guess... ready for what?" He cocked his head. I tossed my key to him and took off back down the hallway,

"You're driving! Race you there!" I yelled back at him. I went as quick as my feet would take me, and in basically no time at all, Steve was close behind. We zoomed right past the onlookers in the kitchen and into the garage. When I got to the passenger side of the car, I hunched over to catch my breath. "I can't believe you let me win" I croaked. Steve lightly jogged to the driver's side and smiled,

"You sure you want me to drive? It's your car." He asked, wanting to know if I'm positive.

"I trust you," I answer, opening the car door to get in. "Just be gentle with her, she's a classic."

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