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"It's all a dream ~

"Hyunjin what the fuck is this" changbin said as he woke up he looked around at the pitch black room in surprise but as he tried to move his hands he was stopped by the chains around his wrist that was when he fully realized he felt the cold again...

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"Hyunjin what the fuck is this" changbin said as he woke up he looked around at the pitch black room in surprise but as he tried to move his hands he was stopped by the chains around his wrist that was when he fully realized he felt the cold against his skin he looked down. to see his body strapped down and he was only in his underwear this has to be a joke right

"Hyunjin what are you doing this isn't funny let me out hyunjin I hate the dark please I told you this hyunjin I'm scared p-please j-jinnie " changbin sobbed out

Hyunjin was click to flick on the light meeting the boys red eyes "I'm sorry princess "

Changbin shock his head violently as he started to remember he could feel the man's hand on his body all over again the begging he felt the hot tears begin to pour down his face

" why would you do that stay away from me please don't hurt me I can't do it again hyunjin I can't "

" hey it's ok I'm sorry baby look at me he isnt here it's just me and you I'm not going to do anything to you princess I'm not going to hurt you like he did ok"

Well hyunjins plan to torture the lighter was definitely gone now he could see how shaken up the boy was damn only if he could find who that bastard was he would definitely make him pay he would know how the lighter felt

He felt vulnerable sitting in hyunjins arm crying his eyes out but it was the only thing he could do he couldn't stop the tears hyunjin felt like shit for triggering the boy he had thought that he had gotten over it but clearly he didn't

He felt vulnerable sitting in hyunjins arm crying his eyes out but it was the only thing he could do he couldn't stop the tears hyunjin felt like shit for triggering the boy he had thought that he had gotten over it but clearly he didn't

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He hated the dark it brought him so much pain causing him to remember everything the man did to him from the touches straight up to the blood

After the man had raped changbin he had went about his day like he usually would he forced the boy to do all of the things he was against chagbjn felt disgusted with himself he had always felt like it was his fault it had happened

Even if he begged and pleaded with the man he was meant with nothing but a cold hearted bastard that just wanted something to fuck and treat like nothing changbin had feelings to but no one ever considered it

He hated it everyone always treated him like some kind of empty minded slut that didn't know anything he even started to feel like it changbin was very smart actually he was always top of all his classes but he was a drop out so it was hard for him to find a job and it was extremely hard for him after his mother fell sick

Everytime he thought about his rapist his mind went back to every thing that went wrong in his life the lost of his mother the blood his touches how he had slept with multiple man for money just for treatment for his mothers illnessjist to not have his mother with him all of those men had left a mark on the lighter in some way even if he didn't show it

But having someone that really loves you or shows some kind of effection really means a lot to the lighter even if hyunjin didn't really love him it was enough that kept him satisfied for now it was like living a dream but dreams don't last forever

Sadist lover ~changjin Where stories live. Discover now