S.2 - 28

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Talon's POV

We flew around the city for a bit.

Some dragons where returning to there old realm while some where staying and heading to the mountains.

We stoped and asked a few dragons about there situations. The Dragon Master had invaded the realm of oni and dragon and was enslaving dragons using a plant to control there minds.

"And this plant...is there a way to tell if a dragon is infected by it?" Kai had asked a small blue dragon.

The dragon had said they infected dragons have pure white eyes and can be pulled out of there mind connected state by the Dragon Master at will.

Once we thought we had all the info we needed we started back to the monastery. Kai's idea.

We had just reached the line of mountains when I spoke. "So you still think it's a good idea to go to the realm." I asked.

He sighed. "I have to save these dragons. And if where in a realm where people live how do you know there isn't enslaved dragons?" He asked looking at me.

"Your right....but what about my realm?" I asked him. He smiled softly.

"I doubt he'll be able to even get to your realm." He said and I nodded. Not what I meant I thought.

"After where finished with the dragon master....what's gunna happen?" I asked.

Kai cocked his head at me. "I mean...with us...where are we going to go?" I stated.

He looked forward and thought for a moment. "We'll go with the original plan. I'll go to your realm and then I'll return. Of course Lloyds definitely going to be angry with me but...the others should have my support." He said. I nodded. "Plus maybe your people will have some ability to remove these scales."

"There's the monastery." I said raising my head a bit.

We landed on the monastery roof and peered down to the courtyard. A few seconds later my team came out.

"Changed your mind?" Cole asked. He shook his head. Kai was about to speak when He dropped his head. "You have to teach me human tongue." He said to me.

"We just need a few supplies." I called to them.

"What do you require?" Zane asked. "Just some water." Kai told me.

I told them for water and Zane nodded. He ran back inside and brought out a large jug of water attached to some rope.

I climbed down and he tied it to my leg. "Hopefully it will hold." He said. I nodded and climbed back on the roof.

We turned to leave when Lloyd called.

"Oh and... I owe you both and apology. I'm sorry I got mad at you Kai." He said. Kai bowed his head and took off. I followed.

"You ready?" He called out. I nodded. We had discussed how to travel but I wasn't ready.

He started spinning and I did the same. Faster and faster we went until we past through some vortex.

Kai and I immediately smashed into the hard sand that was now below us.

It took us a few to recover but we where alive.

Cole's POV

We watched the two large dragons start to spin. It was always cool to see dragons go from realm to realm.

"I'm not sitting here." Lloyd said he then ran and jumped into the air. He formed his dragon. "I know the trouble Kai can get himself into."

"LLOYD!" I shouted. Jay and Zane then went after him. I jumped in as well and followed the two others.

I could just see Lloyd jump off his dragon and onto Talon as she span. She would have never noticed him.

"LLOYD DON'T!" Was all Zane could shout once the portal had closed. "NOO!" Jay shouted from beside me.

Zane hovered there for a second before coming toward us.

"He said he wouldn't..." Jay said quietly.

A moment later Wu came up beside us with Garmadon on his dragon with him.

"If Kai is correct and there are more working for this Dragon Master....then you should not go after him." Wu said.

"But you heard Kai...Talon and him can hide with there scale colours...well Talon can in day but Kai is hidden at night. And if that's there way of travel, ya Lloyd will stick out." I said.

Wu nodded. "One of us should go after him....I do not suspect he'll stay with Kai and Talon." Zane said.

"I will send a message to Faith and First born. They will bring him back." Wu stated.

"In the meantime you should be patrolling Ninjago. You do not know if there are more working for the Dragon Master." Garmadon pointed out.

We nodded and flew back down to the monastery.

Wu and Garmadon went inside and we were about to follow when I spotted something.

"Hey Zane?" I called to him as I crouched to the little shimmering object.

Zane walked over to me and looked down. I picked up the little yellow teardrop like thing and handed it to him.

He brought it up to his scanners and scanned it. "It is one of Talon's scales. A tail one to be exact." He said.

He handed it back to me. "What are you guys doing?" Jay came up beside me.

He spotted the scale and his eyes went wide. "Where did you find it!!" He called. I passed it to him and he flipped it in his fingers like a coin.

"It was just lying here. Talon must have scraped her tail and it fell off." I stated.

"I believe I know of a scroll master Wu has on these scales." Zane offered.

"Didn't Kai say something about scales in his neck?" Jay said. We shrugged.

"I will re run my database and see if I can find anything." Zane said before he stoped moving. I took back the scale and examined it again.

Zane then came back online. It was a bit faster then I thought.

"He did speak of scales but....nothing to hint want they do." Zane stated. I nodded. "If Wu has a scroll on scales then we're going to find it." I said.

"Is that a good idea?" Jay said as we started back inside.

"If there's a way to reverse it...maybe Kai will be normal....I don't know how...I just know."


Sorry the realm of OaD is one of my favourite realms. Yes Hunted was one of my favourite seasons.

(1102 Words)

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