Chapter 19: The Day After The Gathering - part 2

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"Do you want to train with the both of us, Poppyfrost?" Cloudclaw asked hissing. "Yes Darkpath and Cloudclaw, I would like that." Poppyfrost hissed back. "Keep quiet and keep your movements on the down low." I warned as I felt something slither next to me. "Who's there?" I asked whispering. "Midnightbreeze, it's me Batripple." Batripple said whispering. "Why are you here, you know it's not safe right?" I asked whispering. "I was getting worried about you." Batripple whispered.
Flashback starts
"You left in a hurry so I went to Whiteclaw and asked where you went. He told me that you went to get intell from Darkpath and Cloudclaw. I asked if I could go make sure you were safe. He did tell that the dark oak forest was dangerous but I said I wouldn't know what I would do if you were gone, luckily for me I have black fur with specks of white fur. I told the kids that I was going to make sure you were okay. So I came zooming out of the base and towards the entrance of the dark oak forest." Batripple explained.
Flashback ends
"Well I'm glad your here, now keep quiet and keep your movements on the down low." I whispered. "Okay Midnightbreeze will do." Batripple said as we continued to watch Darkpath and Cloudclaw train my sister Poppyfrost. "I think we have enough information to form a full report for my father." I whispered to Batripple. We turned to slunk out of the dark oak forest. Once we were outside Batripple turned to face me. "Yuck, I hate it in there." Batripple hissed while looking at the entrance of the dark oak forest. "Should we go wash this goo out of our fur?" I asked. "Yes anything to get this goo off." Batripple said as we walked towards a small pond in our territory to wash this goo off of our fur. Got out of the pond and shook the water out of our fur and headed back to the base. Dad walked up to us. "Midnightfur, Batripple. Did you find anything to report?" Dad asked me and Batripple. "Yes dad, we did." I said. "Let's talk about this in my den." Dad said as we walked to dad's den. We sat down. "The corrupted spirits are planning something, like a full on invasion on the lake front alliance territories. Batripple and I saw Darkpath and Poppyfrost battle training then Cloudclaw came out of the shadows of the dense tree cover." I explained. "Then he asked Poppyfrost if she would like to train with the both of them. They talked about invading our territories." Batripple explained. "Thanks Midnightbreeze and Batripple. We will have to be strong for anything they try to do. You guys are free to go." Dad said as we walked out of Dad's den. We walked into the rangers den and over to our nest and we fell asleep.

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