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 Professor Minerva McGonagall was in the bathroom. She had not been feeling well for the past few days. She was eight and a half months pregnant, and she was due to give birth in a few weeks. Her husband and headmaster of Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Professor Albus Dumbledore, was trying to get her to go to the infirmary to get help from Madam Poppy Pomfrey. There were a few days left in the school year and she had to go to her classroom, and she had to teach. She had to hand out tests. At least all she had to do was sit at her desk and not strain herself to walk around her classroom and teach students in her classes.

"Minerva, darling, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well again?" Albus said, walking into the bathroom. "I'm not feeling well again, but it's the stress of the exams and grading them," Minerva said, standing up. "You should go see Poppy for a checkup," he suggested. "I'll go see her at lunch if I have time from grading papers," Minerva said. "I will meet you there," Albus said. "Alright," Minerva said. Minerva showered and got dressed in her maternity teaching robes. Her normal teaching robes didn't fit anymore as she was eight and a half months pregnant. She was miserable but she had to remind herself that she didn't much longer to go in the pregnancy until she had her little bundle of joy in her arms. She could feel the baby wasn't head down yet. Minerva had been walking a lot and the baby still wasn't head down and the baby had not dropped at all. She had a few more weeks left before she was due to give birth to the baby.

She was feeling the baby move while she was in the shower. The baby was not turning its head down, but the baby was kicking. The baby was kicking her bladder and it was making her pee in the shower. She finished in the shower quickly and got dressed. She cast a hot air charm to dry her hair and she quickly pulled it into her usual bun that she always wore it in.

She walked out of the bathroom, dressed and ready to go to breakfast. Albus was dressed and ready to go as well. They walked down to the Great Hall. Everyone admired the transfiguration teacher as she walked with the school's headmaster to the staff table between the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables. They could barely tell that the transfiguration teacher was pregnant. If any students could tell that she was pregnant, they couldn't tell that she was eight and a half months and due to give birth in about two weeks. She just wanted to sleep all day until she could finally give birth. After she finished breakfast, everyone went to class, even the teachers. The teachers had to monitor the students taking their exams for their classes.

It was the last day of exams for the students. She heard that a few of the first years had passed out due to exhaustion and stress from studying for the exams. It was surprising that none of the first years passed out in front of her. It would cause unnecessary stress on her and the unborn baby and she would have to stay in the hospital wing for a while. She wanted to meet her little baby. She felt that her baby was going to be a girl. Albus felt that the baby was going to be a boy. Minerva already thought of a beautiful girl's name for the baby. She had not told Albus yet. She was waiting to see if the baby was a girl before settling down on the name for the baby. 

Starting a family.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora