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 It was soon coming to the end of August and Minerva was finishing writing letters and sending owls for the new Hogwarts term. She was tired from waking up in the middle of the night to take care of Rosemary. Rosemary was getting harder to put to sleep. She would scream when she wasn't being held. Minerva would have to calm Rosemary down by purring and nursing her. Most of the nursing was mostly for comfort for both of them. She was also purring for comfort for both of them. It calmed them both down. She was a little nervous about teaching in the start of September. She knew that she was going to have to separate herself from Rosemary at some point. She knew there would be times when they would be together and times when they would be separated. She knew that Rosemary would be completely safe at Hogwarts.

The door to her office opened. She heard the door creek. She looked up from the letter that she was writing. Albus was there with Rosemary, who was crying. "This might be a bad time, huh?" Albus said. "Not for you and our daughter, who sounds hungry," Minerva said. He handed Rosemary over to Minerva. Minerva put Rosemary up to her chest and started to purr. Rosemary calmed down and started to feed. Minerva fed the little baby girl in her arms.

"I'll be there by the next time she needs to be fed," Minerva said. "We will see you in a little bit," Albus said. She handed Rosemary back to him. Minerva gave Rosemary a kiss. Rosemary turned in Albus's arms. "I've got to get back to work on finishing these letters, I only have five left to write. It shouldn't take me too long," she said. "Alright, it's time to get this little sleepy kitten into bed," he said. "See you in a bit," she said. Albus left with Rosemary.

She soon finished the letters and sent them off with respective owls. She used a cleaning charm and left the office. She was exhausted from the long few months of being a new mother. She knew that it was going to be a long school year with a baby in her arms. It was going to be a whole new school year. She wanted everything to be okay with her teaching methods this year. They were a bit odd the last school year because of her pregnancy. She was able to use her magic once again because she wasn't pregnant anymore. She had so much relief from it all. She hoped that wouldn't get pregnant again. When she was pregnant, she had indigestion, gas, and she had to constantly use the toilet. A few times she had to go so bad that she would use Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. She was lucky that no one saw her. Moaning Myrtle didn't say anything to the transfiguration professor. Minerva heard Myrtle in the bathroom. That's where Myrtle Warren's ghost stayed after she mysteriously died. No one knows exactly how she died.

She got ready for bed. Once she was about to lay down in bed, she heard the crying of Rosemary. She went over to Rosemary and picked her up. "Mama's here, kitten, mama's here," Minerva said in a hushed voice as to not wake Albus. Minerva knew that Rosemary needed a diaper change and to be fed. She changed Rosemary's diaper and sat down to feed her.

Rosemary was soon once again asleep. Minerva placed her in the bassinet by the bed and made sure she was secure. She laid herself down next to her husband, who was asleep. He woke up and wrapped an arm around her. "You're finally back, tabby cat," he said. "Yes, I am. I'm exhausted from writing all those letters all day and my arm hurts," she said. "I'm sure," he said.

They both fell asleep for the night. They knew that they would have to wake up during the night to take care of Rosemary. They had to sleep while they could during the night. Minerva felt like she had to sleep when the baby slept. That was how it was. She could only sleep when the baby slept. The baby was sleeping longer at night so they could get more sleep at night. Minerva was healthy enough to start teaching in September and the baby was healthy enough to be able to bottle feed once in a while. Rosemary was refusing any bottle feeds. Poppy gave them some tips of what to do during the bottle feedings. Minerva could go somewhere if she wanted.

The day of September first came. The students were going to be there that evening. Teachers and staff were running around the school trying to get everything ready. This was the last day that anyone could finish anything up for the new term before the students arrived in Hogsmeade on the Hogwarts Express. Albus let Minerva sleep in a little while he took care of stuff that each of them needed to take care of that day. He even took care of Rosemary.

"There we are, kitten," Albus said, putting Rosemary down in the bassinet by the bed for a nap. "Why didn't you wake me this morning?" Minerva said. "I wanted you to be well rested for this evening, my dear," Albus said. "Right. The students arrive tonight. Did she drink her bottle?" she said. "She did and she fussed before she drank her bottle," he said. "I wish that I could have been awake to help you calm her down before she used magic," she said. "She did use some magic," he said. "What do you mean by some?" she said. He explained everything that Rosemary had done magically that morning. "She's most likely going to get admitted to Hogwarts one day," she said. "She will be, my darling, I'm sure of it," he said. "She's already a powerful witch with two parents that love her very much," she said, standing up from the bed.

Rosemary was awake during the feast. She slept through the sorting of the first years and was not scared from the Sorting Hat yelling out the houses that each first year would be sorted into. Rosemary did need a bottle during the start of term feast. Albus fed her a bottle before she could get too fussy and started using magic in front of everyone, especially the first years.

Rosemary was asleep by the time that the two Hogwarts professors got to their private quarters. Minerva had to get the little baby fed. Rosemary had to be woken up to be fed, hopefully for the last time for the night. Rosemary was calm and drowsy while being fed. Minerva noticed that Rosemary was really skinny but didn't worry much about it.

"Is it worrying that Rosemary is as skinny as she is?" Albus said. "I thought that it was just me, but I wouldn't worry about it as she seems very healthy right now. We can take her to Poppy tomorrow after classes let out for the afternoon," Minerva said. "I'll meet you there," he said. "Alright," she said. "Right now, we should get some rest while we can," he said.

Minerva taught her classes the next day. She had Rosemary with her in the afternoon after lunch. In her fourth period class, she had third year Slytherins and third year Gryffindors. There were a few notable students in this class. Minerva put Rosemary down to be able to teach her last two classes of the day. The bell rang after class, and she dismissed the students from class. Rosemary started to cry when the bell rang. Minerva lifted Rosemary to calm her down.

"Hush now, kitten," Minerva said, lifting the little baby in her arms. Once Rosemary was calm, a meow was heard in the room. Minerva looked up and saw Mrs. Norris, Argus Filch's cat. "Shoo, Mrs. Norris," Minerva said. Mrs. Norris pawed at Minerva's robes. "What is it, Mrs. Norris?" Minerva said, bending down. Mrs. Norris propped herself up on Minerva's knee by the baby's head. Mrs. Norris kept meowing at the baby. Minerva seemed to understand what Mrs. Norris was trying to say. Rosemary was crying because she was too hot, and she was scared from the school bell. Minerva knew that she had to hurry to the hospital wing after unwrapping the blanket from Rosemary. Mrs. Norris ran quickly out of the classroom in the direction of Filch.

The hospital wing was completely and utterly quiet. Minerva cooed at the baby until Poppy came over to them. The baby was perfectly healthy, from what Poppy could tell. She was getting enough nutrients from formula and from Minerva's breastmilk. Rosemary was just naturally skinny, that's all. There was nothing to worry about right now. Everything was perfect with Rosemary. Rosemary fell asleep after the checkup. She went back to her office with Rosemary in her arms. She had to run detention that evening before dinner. A few students managed to get detention already on the first day of classes. The students had nothing to do. 

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