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"Rosemary looks almost like Ariana," Aberforth said. "What my daughter looks like does not concern you, Aberforth," Albus said. "Have you really looked at her compared to Ariana?" Aberforth said. "I have, but that doesn't concern you," Albus said. "Treasure the little girl, Albus, treasure her," Aberforth said. "It doesn't concern you how I raise my daughter," Albus yelled at Aberforth. Albus heard a little whimper from next to him. Both men looked down and saw Rosemary starting to whimper. The little girl ran over to Minerva and hugged her. Minerva picked Rosemary up and quietly left Albus's office. The two older men continued their fight.

"Mommy, daddy. Who's Ariana?" Rosemary said. Both parents looked surprised at each other. "Ariana was your aunt. She passed away a long time ago, long before you were born," Albus said. "How did she die?" Rosemary said. "We'll tell you when you're older," Albus said. "Mama," Rosemary said. "He's right, kitten," Minerva said. Albus pulled the red and gold blankets up on the little girl. "It's time for bed now, little kitten," he said. "Yes, perhaps it is," Minerva said. Albus went over to the middle of the room and picked up the stuffed Porlock. He handed the toy over to Rosemary. "You need to go to sleep now, kitten," Minerva said gently.

"Aberforth is right, Rosemary looks almost just like Ariana," Albus said. "You can't be the only one that's held responsible for Ariana's death," Minerva said. "But what if I should be the only one held responsible? I was her guardian, I could have kept her safe," he said. "You can't change the past, dear. You should look to the future of us and our family. We're married, we have our jobs, our little girl, and another baby on the way," she said. She sat on the bed and put her hands on her noticeable baby bump. He gently sat on the bed with her and put a hand on her stomach. They both felt a little kick from the baby inside the womb and they both smiled. 

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