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 She got ready to go to the end of year party in the Gryffindor common room. "Are you sure you should be going to the party?" Albus said. "Albus, I'll be fine, I'm not due to give birth for another two weeks, you don't have to worry about anything. If something happens, I'll send you a Patronus message," she said. "I can't wait to meet our little one," he said. "I can't wait either, I'm just so tired of being pregnant with the baby," she said. "I know you are," he said.

Minerva went to the Gryffindor Common Room. The party was in full swing. She could hear the students from beyond the portrait that closed off the Gryffindor common room and dormitories from the rest of the castle. Minerva felt a small pain in her lower stomach but didn't think anything of it. She thought that she was just tired from the long few days of exams.

Minerva went into the common room, and she sat down in a comfortable chair. A few Gryffindors noticed that she had shown up, Lily Evans being one of them. Lily brought over a glass of pumpkin juice for the head teacher. "Thank you, Lily, dear," Minerva said. "You're welcome," Lily said. "I hope you enjoy your summer holidays," Minerva said, remembering the days when she was a young schoolgirl while she was at Hogwarts. "I have a lot of stuff planned with my family," Lily said. Lily and some of the other students went on and on about their Summer plans and Minerva listened intently as she sipped on the glass of pumpkin juice.

Minerva soon gasped and held her stomach. She stood up and looked at the chair that she had been sitting in and it was wet. She used a drying charm to dry the chair the best that she could. She didn't want to overexert herself. She felt a contraction. Some of the second years noticed that she was in pain. They knew that they had to get the head teacher to the infirmary.

The students that helped her get to the infirmary were Molly Prewitt, Arthur Weasley, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. The other Gryffindors weren't being so brave right now like the group of kids that helped her. She sent a Patronus message to Albus to come to the infirmary immediately. She got herself into a hospital gown and laid down in bed. The students kept her company until Albus came up to them and told the kids to go back to their dormitories and go to bed for the night. Minerva told them that everything would be alright. She held her stomach as the second years left the hospital wing for the night.

"Minerva, I didn't expect you back in here for another two weeks," Poppy said. "I know, but I went into labor," Minerva said. Poppy put on gloves and examined Minerva. "The baby is still head up and you're going to give birth soon. We don't have time to get you to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries," Poppy said. "You have to do something, Poppy," Minerva demanded, holding Albus's hand. She was more like squeezing his hand as tight as she could. "I can probably turn the baby to be head down; it may hurt," Poppy said. "Just do what you need to do, Poppy," Minerva said. Poppy turned the baby's head down toward Minerva's pelvic area. Minerva let out moans of pain. "Breathe Minerva. It's over now," Poppy said. Minerva took a deep breath in and let it out. "You can let go of my hand Minerva, my love," Albus said. "Right, sorry," Minerva said, releasing her strong grip on Albus's hand a little. "I suggest you rest while you can, Minerva. It might be quite a night for you," Poppy said. "I guess that I'm going to have to," Minerva said. "I'll be here for you," Albus said. "Alright," Minerva said. Poppy left the two Hogwarts professors alone together to rest. She would check on them soon. Minerva gave birth to a healthy baby girl and was healthy herself after the birth. 

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