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 They went to visit Minerva's parents a month and half later. Minerva's bleeding had stopped, and she was starting to feel better from birth. It was late when they got there. Rosemary was crying when they tried to get her to go to sleep for the night. It was a long day for them, and they were all exhausted. Minerva had to be the one to put the girls into bed for the night. Minerva purred to calm Rosemary down and get her to go to sleep for the night.

"Mommy," Rosemary said. "I'll be right there, kitten," Minerva said. Rosemary started to cry from tiredness. Minerva finished feeding Sage and put her down into the crib. Rosemary curled up to Minerva and Minerva started to purr. "Mommy," Rosemary said, still crying. "Mommy's right here, kitten," Minerva said while purring. Rosemary's sobs soon started to calm down. Minerva knew that Rosemary was starting to calm down and go to sleep for the night.

Albus came from the bathroom. "Shh, both girls are asleep," Minerva said quietly. He quietly came over to the bed and they laid down. Minerva didn't let go of Rosemary and she kept purring. Albus gave Minerva and Rosemary each a kiss on their foreheads. Minerva fell asleep next and then he went to sleep himself. They woke up several times during the night to take care of Sage to make sure that Rosemary slept through the night. Rosemary was able to sleep through the night, even with Sage crying and her parents talking quietly in the same room as her.

Early in the morning, Minerva woke up to the sound of Sage's crying. Minerva got up and went to take care of Sage before she could wake Albus and Rosemary. Sage needed a fresh diaper and she needed to be fed. It was early in the morning, and Rosemary didn't Rosemary awake just yet. She couldn't stop Sage from waking up this early in the morning because she didn't have any concept of time yet. Rosemary didn't have much concept of time quite yet because she was only four years old. She was so happy with her life. She was forgetting about everything else.

"Minerva, is everything alright?" Albus said as she crawled back into bed. "Yes, everything is fine, Sage just needed to be taken care of. I got up and took care of her to not wake either one of you," Minerva said. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," she said. They each gave a gentle kiss to their little kitten as she continued to peacefully sleep in between them.

A little bit later, Minerva woke up to the sound of crying from both Sage and Rosemary. Albus was already up and dealing with both of them. He was holding Sage in his arms and Rosemary was pulling on his sleeping robes while crying. Minerva knew that she had to step in and help. Raising two kids was going to be hard for the two of them and working at Hogwarts.

She went over and took Sage from Albus. They both calmed the girls down. Albus calmed Rosemary down by promising breakfast soon and giving her a hug and Minerva calmed Sage down by shushing her and feeding her. She fed Sage, and everything was calm now. Rosemary was still sniffling from having just cried. Rosemary was away from Hogwarts and they both knew that she wasn't really used to leaving the castle. She was growing up in a place that was filled with adults and eleven- to seventeen-year-old magical children that were learning magic from the professors that taught classes. Minerva and Albus didn't think anything of it.

After a few minutes they were walking into the kitchen, dressed in clothes for the day. Minerva walked into the kitchen carrying Sage followed by Albus carrying Rosemary. Malcolm was sitting at the table with his own two kids. Both of Malcolm's kids were about Rosemary's age. They were twins and they were most likely going to attend Hogwarts at the same time that Rosemary would attend Hogwarts. They would be in her year as well. Minerva was surprised.

"Malcolm, what are you doing here? I'm not saying that you can't be. I'm just surprised to see you," Minerva said. "I came to see mom and dad and I see that you had the same idea," Malcolm said. "I've missed you," Minerva said. "We've missed you," Malcolm said. Isobel put breakfast on the table for Minera, Albus, and Rosemary. Albus lifted Rosemary up onto one of the chairs. "I love you daddy," Rosemary said. "I love you too, kitten. You should eat your breakfast," Albus said. Rosemary started to eat her breakfast on a plate in front of her.

A little while later, Minerva went to put the girls down for a nap and lay down for a nap herself. She was raising two young girls and she was a teacher at Hogwarts. It wasn't easy to do it all. Rosemary was tired from the long morning. She had a long morning of playing with her twin cousins. Malcolm put his twin children down for a nap as well since they needed a nap.

"I don't want to sleep mama," Rosemary said in a tired whiny voice. "You're tired, kitten. You need a nap and so do I," Minerva said. "I want to play," Rosemary said. "I know you do, but you can play after your nap," Minerva said. Rosemary started crying out of tiredness and it made Sage start to cry. Minerva comfortably sat down on the bed in the room. She carefully pulled Rosemary close to her. Minerva started to purr to calm both girls down and get them to go to sleep for a nap. Sage fell asleep first as Rosemary started to calm down. Minerva placed Sage into the crib. Rosemary started to cry once more, and Minerva quickly went back over Rosemary. Minerva started to purr once again with Rosemary laying down next to her. Both of them were asleep within a few minutes. Albus came to check on them. He gave Rosemary, Sage, and Minerva each a kiss on their foreheads. Minerva pulled Rosemary in a little closer to her.

Minerva felt better after a nap. Sage and Rosemary were both still asleep. Albus came back into the room to check on them. He saw Minerva starting to wake up. Rosemary and Sage were both still asleep. He wanted to make sure that everything was alright with them. He gently sat down on the edge of the bed and started to rub her arm gently. "How was your nap, my dear?" Albus said quietly. "It was nice when I got the girls to sleep," Minerva whispered.

"Mama," Rosemary said, slowly waking up from her nap. "Hey kitten," Minerva said. Rosemary started laughing and it made both of her parents smile. Sage woke up and started crying. Albus went over and picked her up out of the crib. "She might need her nappy changed," Minerva said. Albus changed Sage's diaper. "She's getting a little bit of a rash," Albus said. 

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