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 Minerva had a class right before lunch. She had second year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws in this class. This wasn't even her last class for the day. She wanted to get the day over and done with. She wanted to get back to her private quarters and sleep. A lot of the students were just finishing with their exams. There were a few students left in class that needed to finish their exams. The students that needed to finish were a small group of the second year Gryffindors. The small group of Gryffindors consisted of Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. She was feeling the baby kick her bladder, but she couldn't rush to the bathroom just for that reason. She wasn't peeing like she was that morning in the shower.

The students were all finished with the exams by the time the bell rang to end class. She dismissed the students from class, and she struggled to stand up from her desk chair to pack up the tests and other papers on her desk into her bag. She was so tired of being pregnant already. Her magic would go crazy especially when she was asleep. She wouldn't remember it, but Albus would tell her about the crazy magic that she had done all night. It explains why she would be so exhausted in the mornings, and she was getting more exhausted day by day. Everyone could see it in her that she was getting more and more exhausted. Poppy told her to use her magic as little as possible during the pregnancy to save a lot of her energy for the baby to grow and develop.

"Professor McGonagall?" A small voice of a second-year student said. She knew that it was a Gryffindor student because she saw the red and yellow scarf being draped onto her desk. Minerva looked up from packing her stuff. "Oh, Lily dear, is there something you need?" Minerva said. "If you're feeling up to it, the Gryffindors are throwing a party in the Gryffindor common room and we would love for you to come since you're our head teacher," Lily said. "If I'm feeling up to it, I would love to come," Minerva said. There was a pause. "Now, you had a long morning of exams, and you must be starving," Minerva said. "See you later, bye," Lily said, leaving the room. That left the pregnant transfiguration teacher alone in the classroom.

She made it up to the hospital wing. Albus was already there waiting for her. Several of the students waved at both the headmaster and the transfiguration teacher. Both professors waved back at the students. "Oh, Professor McGonagall, you must be exhausted," Poppy said, walking up to both professors. "It's not easy being the transfiguration teacher and carrying a baby," Minerva said. "I didn't say that it wasn't going to be easy," Poppy said. Poppy pointed to the other end of the room. "Go to the end of the room and take the last bed on the left. I'll be with you in a few minutes," Poppy said. Minerva went to the end of the room and took the last bed on the left with Albus in tow. He closed the curtains and transfigured her maternity teaching robes into a Hogwarts approved hospital wing two-piece gown. She wasn't nervous about this.

"Alright, Minerva, the kids are all feeling well enough to be on their own for a while," Poppy said, coming past the closed curtain. "I'm ready," Minerva said. Poppy put clean gloves on and started examining Minerva. "Have you felt any labor pains?" Poppy asked. "No, not yet and my water hasn't broken yet either," Minerva said. "How have you been feeling?" Poppy asked. "Well, I've been feeling nauseous in the mornings, and I've been getting really exhausted. I think it's the stress of having to grade students' final test papers for the year and monitoring the students taking their test," Minerva said. "You should rest here for the rest of the day to rest," Poppy said. "What about the rest of my classes? The Gryffindors are throwing a party in the Gryffindor common room this evening," Minerva said. "I can run the rest of your classes for you this afternoon," Albus said. "If you're feeling better by this evening, you can go to the Gryffindor common room party," Poppy said. "Thank you, Poppy," Minerva said. "I saw you at breakfast and you didn't eat much, you and the baby must be starving by now," Poppy said. "I'm starting to get hungry," Minerva said as her stomach growled. Minerva sat up as a house elf brought something for Minerva to eat. Minerva needed to eat something. She didn't have a fever.

The final school bell rang through the castle. Minerva was able to take a nap while she was alone. Poppy kept checking up on her to make sure that she was feeling better. Albus came in about a half an hour after the final bell rang. He was apparating to her after each class to give her papers to grade. When he found her asleep after the class after lunch, he put the papers down on the table by her bed for her to find when she woke up. Grading papers kept her busy all afternoon. She was thinking about going into labor before the next two weeks were up. She was a little older than the average witch mother or even a normal muggle mother for that matter.

"You're awake," Albus said, coming into the infirmary. "Hello Albus. I really needed that nap," Minerva said. Albus gently put a hand on her stomach and the baby kicked from inside. "The baby benefitted from the nap as well," Albus said. "The baby's been kicking all day," she said. She graded the final exam papers for the day and was able to leave the infirmary. 

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