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 It had been a few years since Rosemary was born. She was a happy and sweet little girl. Everyone loved her. She was able to sit at the staff table with her parents. Minerva had to always be the one to make sure that Rosemary ate something at all meals of the day. Minerva found out that she was pregnant once again and she was due around the time of Rosemary's birthday.

"Mama," Rosemary called from her room. Minerva went to get up and take care of Rosemary. "Don't worry about her, I'll take care of her," Albus said. "Albus, I haven't taken care of her much since I got pregnant again," Minerva said. "Do you want me to bring her in here so you can spend a little time with her before we have to go down to breakfast?" he said. "I would love that," she said. He went into Rosemary's room and brought her back into the room.

"Mama, mama," Rosemary said, trying to get away from Albus. He gently placed the little girl on the bed next to Minerva. "Morning kitten," Minerva said, sitting Rosemary on her lap. "Maybe I can take Rosemary out to Hogsmeade to give you a break and rest," he said. "Just have her back by her naptime this afternoon. You didn't have her back at all last Saturday until bedtime and she wouldn't go down so easily. I was up until nearly three in the morning with her," Minerva said. "How about I just take her for a walk around the school grounds then?" he said. "That's fine with me," she said. Minerva started to purr, and Rosemary cuddled up against her. "My little kitten, mommy loves you," Minerva said. "I love you, mama," Rosemary said.

It was soon time for a nice, hot breakfast. It was a bitter cold January. It had been snowing on and off all month long and there were a few days where it rained. It was absolutely freezing outside and, in the castle, but it was warmer in the castle than it was outside. Albus knew that he should let Minerva spend time with Rosemary before the new baby is born. Minerva hoped for another girl, but Albus didn't care if it was a boy or a girl as long as the baby was healthy.

Albus took Rosemary for a walk around the castle grounds. Minerva made sure that Rosemary was dressed warmly for the snow outside. Albus was getting dressed himself. He was happy being a father. He was a father to a stunningly beautiful little baby girl. She was a brave little girl too. There was no doubt that she would end up in Gryffindor. Her room was decorated in red and gold. She also had red and gold sheets and pillows on her bed. Minerva didn't know where the time had gone in the last few years. Minerva saw the little girl growing up so fast.

"Is our little kitten ready to go?" Albus said. "Yes, she is," Minerva said. "Daddy," Rosemary said, running up to him. He picked Rosemary up and she giggled at his graying beard tickling the side of her face. "We'll see you later, dear," Albus said. "Alright. I'm going to grade some students' papers that I have to hand back tomorrow and then I'll get some rest," she said.

Albus didn't expect to lose Rosemary as they were outside. He took his eyes off her for a second and she was gone. He had to find her before Minerva found out that Rosemary was missing, but it was unfortunate for him that she found out. After an hour, Hagrid was walking up toward the school holding something small in his arms. It was Rosemary cradled in his arms.

"Found this little one falling asleep in my garden," Hagrid said, handing the little girl over to Albus. "Thank you for finding her, Hagrid," Albus said. A dog next to Hagrid barked. "Fang helped in finding her," Hagrid said. "Thank you, Fang," Minerva said, petting the large boarhound gently. He gently nuzzled his head barely against her noticeable baby bump. "Fang, stop," Hagrid said. "It's alright Hagrid," Minerva said. The little girl shivered in her father's arms. "We should get Rosemary up to Poppy," Albus said. "Yes, we should," Minerva said.

"She's got a little cold, she should be lucky that Hagrid and Fang found her when they did," Poppy said. "She's a very lucky girl," Albus said. "She should stay here for a night," Poppy said. "Thank you, Poppy," Minerva said. Minerva gave Rosemary a light kiss on the forehead. The two parents refused to leave Rosemary's side. They stayed with her all night. Minerva slept on a bed near Rosemary so she could get some sleep. Albus didn't sleep all night to make sure that Minerva and Rosemary slept all night. Rosemary woke up one time during the night.

The following day, Minerva had just put Rosemary down for a nap. It was a little hard to put the little girl down for a nap, even though her eyes were droopy, and she was falling asleep. Albus was in his office so she couldn't leave Rosemary alone. She would grade some students' homework papers and keep an eye on Rosemary until Albus came back from his office.

"There we are, kitten," Minerva said. "Mama," Rosemary said. "You need a nap, kitten," Minerva said. "I love you mama," Rosemary said. "I love you too, kitten," Minerva said. Minerva tucked Rosemary in under the blankets on the bed. Rosemary fell asleep next to a stuffed toy Porlock that Hagrid had given to her for the Christmas holidays. The toy made her look really tiny. She sat down on the little girl's bed and stroked through her auburn-colored hair.

Once Rosemary was asleep, Minerva went to the living quarters to grade some students' homework papers that she had to hand back the following day. She felt the baby kick as she sat down at the table. She sat down with a snack of fruit salad. She knew that she had to eat and eat healthy because she was pregnant for a second time. She told Albus that they were not having another kid after they had this baby. The baby moved but didn't move as much as Rosemary did. Minerva didn't know what to do with Rosemary when she went into labor with the baby.

Albus came back as she was grading the last handful of homework. Rosemary was still asleep. "I'm back," Albus said. He looked around the living quarters. "Is Rosemary still asleep for her nap?" he said. "Yes, I assume she is. She should wake up soon," Minerva said, looking up at the clock on the wall. "I'll go check on her," he said. He went into Rosemary's room and saw she was still asleep. He stroked through her hair. She was so little next to the huge stuffed toy animal that she was holding. She started to wake up from her nap. She rubbed her eyes.

"Daddy," Rosemary said in delight. "Hi kitten," he said, lifting her out of her bed and putting her on the floor. She grabbed her toy Porlock off her bed. They went into the main living quarters. Minerva looked up from what she was doing and saw Rosemary walking over to the couch in front of the fireplace and laid down. Rosemary was just looking awful right now.

"Mama," Rosemary said. "Yes, kitten," Minerva said. "I'm hungry," Rosemary said. "It is almost time for dinner," Albus said, looking at the clock on the mantle above the fireplace. "Let's get you ready for dinner," Minerva said. Minerva took Rosemary to get ready for dinner. Albus got ready for dinner himself. Minerva had to keep wiping Rosemary's nose clean.

They soon walked back into their private quarters. Albus was cradling Rosemary in his arms as she was half asleep. Albus was going to get Rosemary cleaned up and ready for bed. He gave her a bath and got her ready for bed. He gave her some pepperup potion to relieve her symptoms of congestion. He gave her a warm bath and made sure she was in comfortable clothing for bed. They would take turns to read her a story before putting her into bed for the night.

"There we are, kitten, you're all nice and clean," Albus said. "I want mama," Rosemary said. "Let's go see your mama before I put you into bed," he said. They went into the main living quarters where Minerva was sitting on the couch. Minerva looked up and saw the two walking up to her. "She's all nice and clean," he said, placing Rosemary next to Minerva. "Mama," Rosemary said. "It's alright kitten," Minerva said. Minerva held Rosemary as she read her a children's story book. It was a muggle children's book that was appropriate for Rosemary. Minerva's father gave it to them for her. Robert seems to give them a lot of muggle toys and books for Rosemary. She was their perfect little kitten. She was so innocent and sweet. Everyone loved her so much at the school. She was able to get herself around the castle pretty easily.

"Mama, I'm sleepy," Rosemary said, rubbing her eyes. "Alright kitten, we'll put you to bed right now," Minerva said. Minerva stood up and picked Rosemary up. Albus followed the two of them into Rosemary's room. "Did you give her some pepperup potion before you gave her a bath?" Minerva said. "Yes, I did," Albus said. "She needs some dreamless sleep potion to be able to sleep tonight," Minerva said. He went and grabbed a dreamless sleep potion. He came back a minute later with the dreamless sleep potion in his hand. Minerva gave Rosemary the dreamless sleep potion and she was asleep within a minute. Albus tucked her into bed for the night. Albus laid Rosemary's stuffed Porlock next to her gently. She didn't wake up at all.

They laid down in bed together. Minerva could feel the baby kicking. She pulled Albus's hand onto her stomach where the baby was kicking. "Aren't you carrying a little low?" he asked. "Poppy warned me that I might carry lower in my second pregnancy than in my first and she said that I could also go into labor sooner, especially since I went into labor two weeks early with Rosemary," she said. "Everything will be alright," he said. "I know," she said, smiling slightly. 

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