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 The following Saturday afternoon, Minerva was looking through all of the baby clothes that they had gotten for Rosemary when she was a baby. Albus came in and saw what Minerva was doing. Rosemary was taking a nap when he came into the main living quarters. She also had a pile of students' homework papers that he assumed were already graded and ready to hand back to the appointed students. She was able to get quite a bit done when she wasn't stressed.

"I'm back," Albus said. "Albus, please be quiet, I just got Rosemary down for a nap," Minerva said. "I'm sorry, my dear," he said softly, sitting down next to her. He put an arm around behind her and started to rub her back in slow, gentle circles. Minerva picked up a little onesie with the Hogwarts school crest on the front of it. "I remember this, this was one of the first few outfits that Rosemary wore," she said. "I remember," Albus said, taking the onesie.

They continued to look through the baby clothes. Minerva started to tear up looking at all of the baby clothes. Albus knew that it was the pregnancy hormones and the fact that they were worse with the second pregnancy than with the first. Being professors at Hogwarts and raising a family were hard on them. They were making it work. Albus would take Rosemary while Minerva had to teach a class. They didn't want her to be hurt by any of the students using their magic. They didn't want Rosemary to get hurt. She hasn't been hurt yet by magic.

"Here you are, kitten," Minerva said, handing Rosemary a lemon chocolate chip cookie and a glass of plain milk. "Thank you, mama," Rosemary said, taking the cookie. "You're welcome, kitten," Minerva said. Minerva put the cup down in front of Rosemary. Rosemary ate the cookie and drank the milk out of the cup. "She really is our child," Albus said. "Of course, she is Albus. Why wouldn't she be?" Minerva said. "Mama," Rosemary said. They both looked down and saw Rosemary standing next to them. She was reaching her arms up with the cup in her hands. Minerva took the cup from Rosemary, washed it, and put it in the dish drainer by the sink. "Why don't you go relax on the couch for a bit?" Albus said. "Alright," Minerva said. 

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