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 A few days later, Minerva went to Diagon Alley. She went with Albus and Rosemary in tow. She saw several of the students that attended Hogwarts. They didn't see her though. Madam Malkin was over ecstatic to see the new parents with the baby. Minerva looked almost exhausted from the constant breastfeeding of the baby. She looked like she was eating well but it looked like she had lost quite a bit of weight since giving birth and breastfeeding a newborn baby.

The baby was quiet during the whole visit at Madam Malkin's robe shop. Rosemary needed to be fed after Minerva got her new teaching robes. She had to find some other clothes that would make her comfortable with breastfeeding the baby. Rosemary wasn't a demanding little baby. Minerva surprisingly had an easy pregnancy while she was pregnant with Rosemary.

"Aren't you embarrassed about feeding Rosie in public?" Albus said. "Well, I'm a little embarrassed but the embarrassment should be worth our child being fed," Minerva said. Rosemary finished feeding and started to fall asleep in Minerva's arms. Minerva settled Rosemary into the baby sling wrap. "It's going to be hard to go back to teaching after the Summer holiday," Minerva said. "I know. You just had a baby a week and a half ago, Minerva, my love," Albus said. "I'm not so sure if I should go back to teaching, Albus," Minerva said. "Maybe you need a break from school, I arranged for us to go to see your parents for a few days," he said. "Albus, you shouldn't have," she said. "Your mother sent us an owl back this morning saying she would love to meet Rosemary," he said. "I want her to meet Rosemary," she said. "Come on, we should get to Hogsmeade, if you want to find more breastfeeding clothes," he said. "Yes, we should," she said. They went to Hogsmeade for the rest of the day until dark.

"We should bathe Rosemary tonight," Minerva said. "Yes, we should," Albus said. They both gave her a bath. Rosemary squirmed in the tub and Minerva held her and Albus gently rubbed the baby's skin with soap. Once Rosemary was cleaned off, Minerva wrapped the girl in a warm bath towel. "There we go, kitten," Minerva said. They got her dressed in her pajamas for the night. Minerva dressed for bed herself and nursed Rosemary. Rosemary was just getting hungry at the end of bath time. She was tired from everything in the last week and a half.

Albus came out of the bathroom from getting ready for bed himself. "She's almost asleep," Minerva said, placing Rosemary into the bassinet by the bed gently. "Good night, kitten," Albus said. He crawled into bed himself next to Minerva. "Good night, Tabby," he said. "Good night, Phoenix," she said. They fell asleep until Rosemary woke them up, needing them to take care of her. They had to take care of her before her magical abilities started to act up. They were able to take care of her before she used magic. Minerva saw her magical abilities. 

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