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 A week later, Minerva had recovered from the birth of the baby but was not back to her pre-pregnancy self. She was still a hormonal wreck. Poppy told her that she would still have some symptoms of pregnancy. It was the Summer holidays and there were not any classes to run to take care of. Minerva was able to sit and relax with her newborn little baby girl Rosemary.

Minerva was sitting in the Great Hall with Rosemary in her arms. Rosemary just had a feed about a half an hour ago and was content just sleeping in her mother's arms right now. A few owls flew in and screeched. The screeches echoed in the previously quiet room. Rosemary started to cry. "Shh, shh, shh, please don't cry little one," Minerva said gently to Rosemary. Rosemary calmed down immediately. "That's my sweet little girl," Minerva said gently.

"Minerva, a letter came for you," Albus's voice came from next to her. "Let me see it, you can take our daughter for a moment," Minerva said, handing Rosemary to him and taking the letter from him. She saw that the letter was from Mrs. Prewett. Mrs. Prewett was congratulating Minerva and Albus for their little magical miracle. Minerva knew that she was going to have to write a letter in return thanking her for the letter and the new toy. It was a toy rattle, and it was in the shape of a snitch with a little handle. Albus was rattling it over the little baby girl in his arms.

They were getting quite a few toys for the baby even though she was still a newborn, and she couldn't play with them yet. Albus got Rosemary a toy phoenix and a toy cat and a few other toys from Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. The baby was barely a week old, and he was already spoiling her. She could tell that he already loved being a father. His smile was different from before she got pregnant with little Rosemary. Rosemary was a quiet little baby and only cried a little. She only cried when she needed to be fed, and when she needed a diaper change. Minerva was doing a lot for the baby. Albus was trying to help to let Minerva rest and continue to recover from the birth. He wanted to be a father and help with the baby as much as he possibly could.

In her and Albus's private quarters. Minerva had just gotten Rosemary fed and down for a nap. She figured that she would lay down and rest herself while she could. Albus came into the quarters quietly. He didn't hear the crying of a little baby fighting sleep. He went to check on Rosemary and Minerva. Rosemary was peacefully sleeping in the bassinet by the bed while Minerva was sleeping in the bed. He quietly left the bedroom and went to the main living quarters. Poppy came into the main living room of the private quarters. She needed to do a check up on Minerva and Rosemary, but they were both sleeping at the time the mediwitch arrived.

Minerva had to be woken up for the checkup. She wasn't happy about being woken up for it. She was able to go back to sleep after Rosemary had fallen back to sleep. Minerva was able to leave the castle if she wanted to and go shopping. Poppy thought Minerva was doing well to be able to do things again. Minerva planned to go to Diagon Alley to get herself some breastfeeding robes and other clothes to be able to breastfeed comfortably. She wanted to be able to breastfeed comfortably, especially in front of Albus. She was a great mom and she loved it. 

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