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 Poppy came to see Minerva. Minerva was laying on the couch cradling her nine-month pregnant stomach in her arms. The students have left for the summer holidays, and it just left the teachers and other staff still at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Minerva had been put on bedrest two months prior at seven months pregnant and she was ready to give birth to the baby already. She was able to grade homework papers from her classes at least to give her something to do while she was on bedrest so she couldn't go completely insane while alone.

"Hello Minerva," Poppy said. "Hello Poppy," Minerva said. "How are you?" Poppy asked. "I'm doing alright. I'm just tired of being pregnant," Minerva said. "I know, but I can assure you that the baby will be born soon," Poppy said. "I know," Minerva said. "Have you had any labor pains?" Poppy said. "No, not yet," Minerva said. "I will check to see if everything is alright," Poppy said. "Thank you," Minerva said. Poppy checked over Minerva carefully. "Minerva, did you know that you're in labor?" Poppy said. "I didn't know. I thought I was supposed to have contractions," Minerva said. "Every labor is different for every woman," Poppy said. "How dilated am I?" Minerva said. "You're at six centimeters. We're going to have to move you up to the hospital wing," Poppy said. "But what about Albus and Rosemary?" Minerva said. "Right, I will get them for you," Poppy said. It was scary being alone in labor.

Albus came to the hospital wing after dropping Rosemary off at Hagrid's hut. Minerva was laying down on one of the beds. "I'm here, my dear," Albus said. "Albus, come here," Minerva said. "Albus, we're getting close. She's at ten centimeters," Poppy said. Albus came over and held Minerva's hand. "Get ready to push, Minerva," Poppy said. They got her ready to push. Minerva started to push when she felt a dull pain in her lower stomach.

"There you are," Poppy said, handing the baby over to Minerva. "Thank you, Poppy," Minerva said. "You're welcome," Poppy said. "What are we going to name her?" Albus said. "I'm thinking we name her Sage Isobel Dumbledore," Minerva said. "I love that name," he said. "I do too," she said. "You should get some rest soon," Poppy said. "I want to rest. Albus, can you take Sage?" Minerva said. Albus gently took the baby into his arms. Minerva was asleep by the time that he turned back to her. She had not slept much in the last few days, so he understood. He gave her a light kiss and laid down on a bed that was closest to her and the baby. Minerva and the baby both needed a lot of rest for the rest because the baby was just born. Albus was the father of two daughters. Hoped that Rosemary and Sage would get along well. He didn't get along well with his brother for a long time. He doesn't like to talk about why he doesn't. 

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