Chapter 2: Jungkook

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V was carrying the unconscious boy to the Outer Kingdom. He had to stay quiet, or he would cause a panic. Once he finally reached his house, he saw Swan sitting at the table. V tiptoed to his bed and gently put the boy down on it. "V?", Swan said, "What are you doing?" V gulped nervously. "U-uh...I'm just laying down for a bit. H-how did you get back home?" "I followed the usual path." "O-okay. Why don't you go outside and talk with your friends?" "Okay!" V walked over to Swan and took her hand. He led her outside to her friends. As soon as she sat down and started talking to them, V ran back to his house.

He ran inside and kneeled down next to the bed. The boy's face was a little beaten. V grabbed a few cloths and some water. He washed the blood off the boy's face and put a cloth on his forehead. Then the boy's eyes twitched and started to open. When the boy opened his eyes, he saw V leaning over him. "...who...are you?", the boy asked.

V remained silent. He had never been so close to a Northerner. He didn't know what to say or do. Then the boy started talking. "You saved me, didn't you?" V nodded. "...thank you. Thank you so much!" The boy sat up and faced V. "I'm Jungkook. I'm from the Northern Kingdom, but I like to take walks around here sometimes. What's your name?" V stayed quiet for a moment, then he took a deep breath and spoke. "...I-I'm V." "V. That's a nice name!" "Thanks. Um...why were those guys beating you up?" "I don't know. I guess they were just threatened by me. I didn't want to hurt them though, I was just passing through." "That's sad. Um, you should get back to your kingdom now." "You're right. I'll get going now. Thanks again, V! See ya!" V waved goodbye as Jungkook walked out the door.

V was still a bit frightened from the encounter, but Jungkook didn't seem to mean any harm. It was starting to get late out, so V went outside and brought Swan inside. Once she was settled down in her bed, V went to his bed and laid down. He couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook. He fell asleep, trying his best not to think about him.

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