Chapter 9: Jin's Concern

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It was the next day. V was walking outside, holding Swan's hand. It was a nice day outside and Jungkook hadn't shown up yet, so it was just him and Swan. Neither of them were speaking, but then Swan broke the silence. "Brother? Can I ask you a question?" "Of course. What is it?" "Are you...keeping a secret?"

V froze. "Uh...what do you mean?" "I hear you come home very late. Where do you go?" V didn't know how to respond. He couldn't tell her the truth, but he couldn't lie to her either. So he said the first thing that come to mind. "I...I like to take walks in the evening." "Oh. Okay! That sound nice." "It is. But you need to get more rest than me, so that's why I don't take you with me." "I get it. I was just asking!" "That's fine!" Suddenly, V heard someone call his name. He looked around and saw Jin waving him down. "Hey V!" "Hey Jin!" "Can you come here for a second?" "Okay!"

V and Swan walked over to Jin's house. Jin led them inside. "How's it going?", V asked. "I'm good! Hello, Swan! How are you today?" "Hi, Jin! I'm good too!" "That's great to hear! Hey, why don't you have a seat here while speak with your brother?" "Okay!" Swan sat down on the couch. "V? May I speak with you for a moment?" Jin looked slightly concerned, but V wasn't going to say no. "Okay!" Jin led V to the room with the birdcages in it and closed the door.

"What do you need?", V asked. "I have a question for you. A serious question." "Okay. What is it?" "Have you been...going somewhere lately?" V swallowed nervously. "Agh! How are so many people onto me already?!", he thought. He remained silent for a moment, then he spoke. "I...I've been taking lots of walks lately." "Where?" "On the outskirts of the kingdom." "Hm. We're you with anyone?" "Nope. Just me." "...okay. I'm not trying to pressure you or anything, but I want you to tell me the truth. Are you positive you're just taking walks?" "...yes, Jin. I am taking walks on the outskirts of the city all by myself." Jin smiled. "Okay! I just wanted to know! But there's one more thing."

V gulped. "What is it?" "I just want to let you know...don't be so nervous!" "Nervous? About what?" "About the Northern Kingdom! We confront them in two days. But you don't have to worry! I have everything planned out!" "...that's good to hear." V looked out the window. It was getting late. "I think me and Swan should get going now." "Yeah, sorry for keeping you. Bye, V!" "Bye, Jin!" V walked out of the room, took Swan's hand, and walked back home.

Once they were home, it was already dark out. He put Swan in her bed and then he went back outside. He climbed up to the roof of his house. He looked around for any signs of Jungkook. Jungkook didn't seem to be anywhere. He waited for a while, but he still didn't show up. "Wow.", he thought to himself, "I never realized how much I'd miss him when he's gone." After a while of waiting, he decided to go back to inside. He went to sleep, think of Jungkook the entire night.

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