Chapter 12: Race to the Outer Kingdom

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Jungkook was running through the field at full speed. All he could think about was V and all of the lives at risk. Suddenly, he began to feel dizzy. He skidded to a stop and looked around. He was in a forest. Then he looked down at his hands. They were covered in blood and dripping down into the grass. He realized what was happening: he was losing blood. But he knew he had to keep going.

He kept running till he reached a part of the forest with twisted, leafless trees. Then he started to feel weak. He was losing too much blood. He couldn't run anymore. His knees went weak and he collapsed into the grass. He could barely keep his eyes open and his body was going numb. All he could do was close his eyes and give in to his pain.

Jungkook opened his eyes. He was in a pitch black area. He looked around, then he saw V and Suga. Jungkook quickly stood up and looked at them. Suga had grabbed V and was holding his sword at his throat. V was terrified and crying. Then he looked at Jungkook and screamed out, "JUNGKOOK!!! HELP ME!!!" Jungkook felt everything around him freeze, and suddenly, everything went black again.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes. He was shocked by the dream he had and he didn't know how long he was unconscious for. Suddenly, he felt something stabbing at his back. He looked back and saw a raven pecking at him. As soon as he moved, the raven flew away. Then he remembered his dream. He needed to save V.

He pushed against the ground and managed to stand up. He ignored the pain in his wrists and kept running. He kept running till he was in the wooded part of the forest again. He looked around for a minute, then he saw something. He walked over to it. It was a large pool of water. Then he had an idea. He slowly walked into the pool. He dipped his wrists into the warm water. When he did, he felt the ropes loosen.

After a moment, he lifted his hands from the water. The ropes were gone and the blood had washed off into the water, leaving only small cuts. Jungkook looked ahead of him. He walked through the water and continued running towards the Outer Kingdom, determined to get there before they marched off.

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