Chapter 13: Marching Off

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Jungkook kept running till he reached the Outer Kingdom. When he finally reached them, he saw everyone lined up in formation. Jin was standing in front of them. Jungkook saw V standing in the front row. He looked very nervous. Jungkook had to tell him about Suga. He hid behind a tree and waved to get V's attention. V glanced over at him. When he saw Jungkook, his expression changed from nervous to surprised. He snuck away from the crowd and walked over to Jungkook.

"Jungkook?!", he said quietly, "What are you doing here?!" "I escaped from the Northern Kingdom.", Jungkook replied. "What do you mean you 'escaped'?!" Jungkook held out his wrists and showed V the scars from the rope. V gasped at the wounds and grabbed Jungkook's hands to examine them. "*Gasp*! Oh my gosh! Wha-what happened?!" "It was Suga, the king's assistant. He has a plan. A plan to destroy this kingdom and everyone in it." "What?! Th-that's terrible!!" "I know. And that's why I'm here. I need you to warn Jin. Tell him to not go to the Northern Kingdom." "Okay. I'll try to convince him. Stay here." "Okay."

V ran over to Jin and tapped him on the shoulder. "V? What's the matter?" V took a deep breath. "I've heard something about the Northern Kingdom." "What did you hear?" "I heard that they have a plan. A plan to attack and destroy us." "What?! Where did you hear that?" "Uh...I...I heard a rumor." "Oh. Well, I didn't hear that. But you shouldn't get so worked up about it. If we don't provoke them, they won't attack us." "Are you sure?" "I'm positive. Now, I think it's about time we march off. Please get back in formation." "...okay." V walked back into his place in line. He knew he couldn't disobey his leader. Then Jin started talking.

"Attention everyone.", he said loudly, "We are about to head over to the Northern Kingdom. I know I've tried to make peace with them in the past, but this time, they'll have to face all of us. But I'm not planning on attacking them. We're just going to approach them and I'll do the talking." Then Jin looked over at V. "...and in the event that they decide to attack us, you may defend yourselves. Now, let's go!" V raised his hand in the air. "Yes, V?" "Jin, are you SURE this is a good idea?" Jin let out a sigh of annoyance. "*Sigh* V, trust me. We'll be safe as long as we stick together." Suddenly, there was a faint sound in the distance. It sounded like footsteps. Jin looked behind him. There were two people running up to him. Once they got close enough, Jin recognized them. It was RM and Hope. He had seen them before in the past when he went to the Northern Kingdom. Jin walked over to them. When they reached each other, RM and Hope collapsed at his feet.

Jin kneeled down. "RM? Hope?", he asked, "What's wrong? Why are you here?" RM and Hope looked up at him. Their faces were scratched up and Hope had a large scar on his face. Jin was shocked. "What happened?!" "Jin, we need your help.", RM said, "It's the kingdom. It's under attack." "From who?" "Suga. He turned on me. I-I didn't even...I don't..." RM started crying mid-sentence. Jin put a hand on RM's cheek. "RM, it's okay.", he said softly, "Tell me what happened." " all started when we were about to march off..."

RM and his army were standing in front of the gates of the Northern Kingdom, getting ready to head over to the Outer Kingdom. The entire kingdom was going to help RM carry out his attack. Then RM noticed something: Suga wasn't with him. RM looked around at the army. "Hey, has anyone seen Suga?" The people looked around, but Suga wasn't with them. Suddenly, the doors of the palace burst open and Suga walked out, carrying a large sword. There was a large army of people behind him. Him and his army walked over to RM. "Hello, old friend.", Suga said. "Suga?", RM asked, "What's the meaning of this? We're supposed to be going to the Outer Kingdom. What are you doing?" Then RM saw the army behind him. "...Suga...who are those people?" "Those people...", Suga said, "...are your downfall." Then he drew his sword and held it out at RM. "And so am I." Suddenly, a loud sound rumbled throughout the kingdom. Then everyone saw something in the sky. It looked like a large fireball. It crashed into the street, sending debris flying everywhere. People started running and screaming. RM stared at the fireball in shock, then he looked back at Suga. Hope was standing next to him. But as Hope started to approach him, Suga held out his hand. "Move aside, Hope. I'll take care of him." Hope was slightly confused. "Huh? But I thought I was supposed to fight him." " were...but I think I've changed my mind." "What?! Bu-but Suga! You promised!" "I did. But this is my battle to fight, which is why I no longer need you." As he said the last few words, he slashed Hope across his face with his sword. Hope cried out in pain and grasped his face with his hands. Suga just looked at him emotionlessly, then he looked over at RM. RM felt tears streaming down his face. "Suga...why? Why are you doing this?" Suga walked closer to him. "I'm doing this...because this is the rebellion. When you were chosen to be the king, my dreams shattered in front of my eyes. I trained more than YOU could have in YEARS!! I LOST SLEEP TRYING TO BECOME THE KING, AND THEN YOU TOOK MY CROWN!!! *Sigh*...this is payback...payback for everything you took from me." Suga kicked RM in the stomach, knocking him back. "Agh! S-Suga! Please!! DON'T DO THIS!!!" "Oh, I'm just getting started.", Suga said with a sinister smile, "You'd better start running." RM grabbed Hope's hand and ran out of the kingdom. As they ran out of the flaming kingdom, RM heard Suga call out to him, "AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT COMING BACK!!!" RM and Hope kept running. They were both confused and scared and they didn't know what had just happened. "Where are we going to go?", Hope asked. RM thought for a moment, then he had an idea. "I know who can help us.", he said, "We're going to the Outer Kingdom."

"And that's why we're here.", RM finished, "We need your help. I-I don't even know why he's...why he's..." RM started crying again. "...I'm so sorry, Jin. I know you probably don't want to help me, but-" "RM.", Jin said, putting a hand on RM's face. "Of course I'll help you. I know we've had our moments in the past, but that doesn't make us enemies. I'll help you and Hope."

Sent RM smiled at Jin, then he launched himself at him, wrapping his arms around him. Jin hugged him back and smiled. Then they all stood up. Jin turned around and looked at the Outer Kingdom. "We need to help RM and Hope.", he said loudly, "Jimin, go back to the kingdom with them and get them a change of clothes. We'll wait here." Jimin nodded and led RM and Hope back to the kingdom. V watched as they walked off, then he looked over at Jin. Jin was smiling brightly. V smiled with him, because he knew that Jin had a good plan for saving both kingdoms.

After a while, RM had changed into a different outfit, similar to Jin's outfit. Hope stayed in his original outfit and didn't change. They walked over to Jin, then RM stood in front of him. "Looking good!", Jin said, "They fit you perfectly!" "Thanks!", RM said, "They're very comfortable." Jin smiled. "I have a question for you." "Yes?" "Will you...join forces with me?" "Hm? Really?" "Yes. Right now, we're facing a common enemy. And if we want to defeat that enemy, we need to work together." Jin extended his hand towards RM. RM hesitated for a moment, then he grabbed Jin's hand and they shook hands. "We'll get through this together.", RM said with a smile, "Let's take back our kingdoms."

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