Chapter 15: Dream Mountain

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The seven boys were running to Dream Mountain at full speed. They were all determined to get there and restore the kingdoms. They ran through the Northern Kingdom, dodging fire and piles of debris as they ran towards the mountain. After they ran through the smoke and flames, they could see the mountain. They ran to it as fast as they could and they didn't stop for anything.

After a long time of running, they finally reached the bottom of the mountain. But they didn't stop there. They kept running up the mountain. It wasn't too steep, so they could run up quickly. As they ran up the mountain, Jungkook felt his heart pounding out of his chest. He had wanted to climb to the top of Dream Mountain for as long as he could remember. He ran ahead of the others, smiling as he ran towards the top of the mountain. As soon as he reached the top, he stopped.

The view was breathtaking. Jungkook felt like he was on top of the world. Once the others caught up to him, they were equally amazed by the view. Then Suga stepped forward. He looked up at the sky with tears in his eyes. Then he closed his eyes and grabbed RM and Hope's hands. The seven boys held each other's hands and closed their eyes. Then they all said together, "We wish for the kingdoms to be resorted."

Suddenly, a light shone down from the sky and illuminated the entire region. The boys stared in wonder as the light covered both kingdoms. The light stayed bright for a while, then the clouds closed and the the light faded. Everything and everyone was silent. The boys could hear their own hearts beating excitedly in their chests. Suddenly, they heard a noise coming from below them. Then they saw thousands of people standing on the ground surrounding the mountain. They were cheering. Cheering for the boys.

Jungkook smiled, and the others smiled with him. Jin wrapped his arms around RM and hugged him tightly as tears ran down both their faces. Suga broke down crying tears of happiness as Hope and Jimin hugged him. Then V and Jungkook looked at each other. They were both overjoyed and tears were falling from their eyes. They hugged each other tightly as they cried tears of happiness. The Northern Kingdom and the Outer Kingdom were both fully restored and united as one.

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