Chapter 14: Battle for the Kingdoms

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The entire Outer Kingdom was marching toward the walls of the Northern Kingdom, led by RM and Jin. They were both determined to save their kingdoms. When they reached the walls, they saw smoke and fire coming from the kingdom. Jin stepped in front of the crowd. He was carrying something in his hand. It looked like a large cage with a veil over it. He held the cage up and quickly pulled the veil off. The second he did, a white dove flew out of the cage. It flew over the walls of the Kingdom and disappeared into the smoke. Then Jin took a deep breath and started shouting as loud as he could.

"SUGA!!! I know you can hear me!! The Outer Kingdom is sick and tired of your constant threats! And now you've turned on your own kingdom! Come out here and face us!!!" After Jin stopped shouting, an eerie silence followed the echo of his voice. Then, after a moment of silence, the massive gates rumbled open. Once they were completely open, everyone saw Suga standing in the gateway. He started walking towards Jin, with a massive army behind him. Jin approached him and they met in the midpoint.

"Hello, Jin.", Suga said. "Hello, Suga.", Jin said back, "I assume you know why I'm here." "Yes, of course I know. You're here to make another weak attempt to make peace with the Northern Kingdom." "Well, sort of. But I'm mostly here on behalf of everyone." "*Sigh*, what's the problem?" "Your plans to take over the Outer Kingdom are affecting everyone, including your own kingdom. This needs to stop." "Why should I? I've already come so far." "That's the problem. If you do anymore damage, you'll end up destroying the kingdom. Please, you need to stop. Your plan is too dangerous."

Suga started to look angry. "...I think my plan is perfectly fine. And I also think...that you should have brought a weapon." Suddenly, Jin felt a sharp pain near his stomach. He gasped in pain. When he looked down, he was shocked. Suga's sword was driven into his stomach. When Suga pulled his sword out, Jin collapsed to the ground. The entire crowd behind them gasped.

V couldn't believe his eyes. He was shocked and furious. His anger was overtaking him. He couldn't think of anything else to do. Blinded by his own rage, he charged at Suga. When Suga saw him, he blocked V's attack with his sword. V grabbed the blade, ignoring the searing pain in his hands. Suddenly, Suga slashed his sword to the side, cutting open the palms of V's hands. V cried out in pain, but then he threw his fist at Suga. Suga threw his sword away and blocked V's punch. The two of them kept throwing punches an hitting each other to the point where they were on the ground, practically pounding each other.

Everybody took a few steps back and watched them punch each other. Then Jin opened his eyes and saw them fighting. He was shocked by what he saw. "EVERYONE!!", he called out behind him, "GO HELP HIM!!" The crowd behind him ran over to the scene of the fight. Jimin and another person pulled V off of the ground and dragged him away from Suga. V struggled for a moment, but then he stopped. Then RM stepped forward and started loudly speaking to Suga's army.

"People of the Northern Kingdom. Do you see what you are doing? You've turned against me, your own king, and have now joined forces with someone who clearly means to destroy everything." "Including you.", Hope interrupted, stepping in front of RM, "Suga is NOT someone you should trust. He'll just use you once and throw you to the side. Even if you think you're close to him, in his eyes, you're worthless. He's just using you to get what he wants, and when he's done with you, he'll destroy you too."

The people of Suga's army exchanged glances, then about half of them walked away from the others and went to the side of the Outer Kingdom. RM smiled and gave Suga a smug look. "Heh, looks like your army's turned against you, Suga. What are you going to do now?" Suga hesitated for a second. "'re forgetting something...I still have half an army." Suga pointed at the Outer Kingdom. "ATTACK THEM!!!"

The two sides ran at each other, yelling loudly. Jin watched the two armies killing each other. Seeing all the people dying made him feel a way he hadn't felt in a long time: angry. He picked up a sword lying on the ground and slowly stood up. V looked over at him. "Jin?", he asked, "What are you doing?" "I can't take it anymore!!!", Jin said angrily, "Someone needs to do something about this! And if nobody's gonna break up this fight, then so be it." And with that, he ran towards the clashing armies, screaming and stumbling due to his wound.

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