Epilogue: N̶o̶ ̶M̶o̶r̶e̶ Dream

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It was a bright and sunny day. It had been two months since the kingdoms were united. There were people chatting outside of their houses and children playing with each other. RM, Jin, Suga, Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook were all sitting on the roof of V's house, chatting with each other and watching the day go by. V was watching Swan run around and play with the other children. "Are you watching Swan?", Jungkook asked him. V smiled. "Yeah. Ever since she got her eyesight back, she's been able to run around and play with her friends." "That's good to hear!"

Jungkook took a deep breath of the crisp air. He was happy to be able to see V without having to sneak out at night, and V was happy to be able to see Jungkook every day, and not just at night. Everyone was happy with their new lives. Suga turned to Jungkook and V. "You know, this is all happening because of you two.", he said, smiling, "If you two never became friends, this future wouldn't have been possible." "It's true.", RM said, "You two were from different kingdoms, but you were still brave enough to become friends. I'm so glad you two decided to speak up and break the silence."

Jungkook and V smiled. They were happy they became friends, too. They were very happy they saved and united the kingdoms. And, above all, they were both happy that they could finally Be ThemSelves.

The End

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