Chapter 8: Suga's Suspicion

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It was the next day. Suga was walking through the streets. He looked around at the people and made sure they were doing all right. Then he saw someone leaving the city. He snuck up to them and hid behind a building to get a closer look. It was Jungkook. He was leaving the city and running towards the Outer Kingdom. Suga watched him as he ran off. He wondered why Jungkook would leave the city. He could only think of one answer: he was going to the Outer Kingdom. Suga ran to the king's palace as fast as he could.

Once Suga reached the King's palace, he burst through the doors and ran over to RM. "My king! There's something I need to tell you!" RM looked at him from his throne. "What is it, Suga?" "Um...can I speak to you in private?" "...sure. Let's go." RM led Suga to his room.

"What is it?", RM asked Suga. "Jungkook has been leaving the city a lot lately. He comes back home very late, too. I think he might be hiding something." "What do you mean?" "I mean...I think he's been going to the Outer Kingdom." "Why would he be going there?" "I don't know, but we must do something about it." "Why would we need to do something about it? Maybe he's just taking a walk." "But what if he's plotting against us? What if he's going to turn on us? What if-" "Suga, calm down! You always overreact at these kinds of things. Why are you so tense?" "Because I think we should protect the kingdom!!" "Suga, that is no way to talk to your king." "If you're really the king, why won't you do something about it?!" "SUGA!!!", RM screamed, "...that's enough. I don't want to hear about this again. We march off in less than three days. I expect you to be preparing the army instead of arguing with me. Now go."

Suga clenched his fists and walked away, still fuming. He wanted to do something about Jungkook, but he needed proof that he was up to something. He walked back outside, still mad at RM. Then he had an idea. And he wasn't going to let it fail.

It was late at night. Jungkook was walking back to his house. He had a nice, long chat with V and had a good time. Suddenly, he saw someone standing outside of his house. As he got closer, he saw Suga. "Suga?", he whispered to him, "What are you doing here?" Suga angrily grabbed him by the collar and dragged him inside the house. He slammed the door and pinned him against the wall.

"Look, I don't know what you're hiding, but you're going to tell me RIGHT NOW. Why do you keep going to the Outer Kingdom?" "W-what?! What are you talking about?!" "You know what I'm talking about. Tell me! NOW!!" "I was just taking a walk, I swear!!" "NO YOU WEREN'T!!!" "YES I WAS!!!" Suga stepped away from him. "...fine. I'll let you go this time. But if I see you sneaking out again...*sigh*...I WILL take action." And with that, he walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

Jungkook let out a deep sigh. "I'll have to be more careful next time.", he thought to himself. He laid down in his bed and fell asleep, trying to think of a way to see V without getting caught.

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