Author's note

8.7K 574 58

This is a thank you note for a particular section of readers.

Thanks to those who regularly give their votes and drop their comments after reading this story.

Don't worry, this story will not end soon. So many things are there which will happen in the upcoming chapters. Yes obviously the story has reached a mid point. It has crossed 40 chapters and it was never possible without your votes and comments.

Thank you again.

The next thing I want to say to those readers who are reading this story but not voting.

You are liking this story that's why you are reading. Then why not giving votes?

This is a kind request to those silent readers, please don't read this story if you can't vote or comment. Just think once that you are getting yourself entertained by reading something that has been written by using hours by the writer. But you are not considerate enough to atleast drop a single vote!

So no thanks to you at all.

This may sound rude, and I'm not even a bit ashamed of being rude. I can demand votes if I'm entertaining you and also when you are reading this story but not leaving a single vote.

1.5k reads and 300 votes?

Where is the other people who are reading this story and waiting for the update but not giving votes?

Is it that much difficult to press the star button?

Anyway, I have nothing to do with those silent readers anymore.

I love my ardent readers and not only this thank you note but my all thank you notes are only for you guys. Love you.

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