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ly418 Since the mystery is finally over because someone just couldn't wait any longer. Here's my handsome boyfriend eating in our hotel. 😜 r1ry

#myman #love

View all 281 comments

r1ry More like could wait, didn't want to. Let the world know who I belong to from now on. ❤️

savme Jesus H Christ 😳 I am actually speechless girl damn.

julsfit braeryork GIIIIIIRL

sophandben 😳I feel wrong for having thoughts about my best friends boyfriend. London omg.

issy Ugh so many jealous girls me included, but so happy for my friend!

olivia.young Live it up, he won't be looking at you like that for long. It'll be me again soon enough.

amitho olivia.young Uh...ew. Jokes on you, that's how he looks at food.

username1 Jesus H Christ, like I've seen his pro pictures from motogp and stuff but holy shit they don't do him justice, how is he so HOT!?

braeryork julsfit I KNOW!!! 🥰

questionable Jesus RJ, can y'all warn a girl first lol

ly418 r1ry Can you stop being so freaking cute lol amitho Accurate lol

username4 This is ridiculous. Seriously he's insanely hot, life isn't fair!

eelir 🙄

littlelucas 🤣 eelir This top the "your brothers are hot?" comments?

krissy Always a freaking burger lol

September 8th

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ly418 For legal purposes, this fun was had overseas. 🤣 

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