32, London

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Liked by blairlucas and 618 others

ly418 I'm sorry ma'am, are you almost two or almost twenty?

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eelir Ugh best little lady EVER

donlan Dude when she turn 20?

dyork17 She's so damn cute.

harlanorig She talking to me!

ly418 harlanorig No. Her daddy.

braeryork Oh my heart!

julsfit Ugh I miss this!

He held my phone out of reach, because well he's six foot freaking one and I'm not even close to being able to reach even when I'm on my tip toes. I tried knowing damn well I was going to fail. Let's face it, my husband standing in front of me shirtless, fighting to find out how to fix what's going on between us. Unfortunately, extremely hot. But I was still pissed.

"Don't treat me like a child RJ." 

"Don't treat me like we haven't spent the past almost four years building an unbreakable relationship, just for a text from your ex to break us." My eyes went wide. I wasn't sure what he had seen on my phone before I walked in, but I watched him as he was setting it down when I came back inside for it.

"Keep your voice down, the kids are down for a nap."

"London, are you fucking kidding me?" He ran his hand down his face. "The picture Tyler sent you, is that what has you running?"

"I'm not talking to you about this right now RJ."

"Why? Just fucking tell me why!"

"Because I don't want to."

"That's super mature." He laughed out, he was right, but still I just couldn't. I couldn't tell him that I've been deleting messages from her on his phone. Messages where she poured her heart out to him, telling him how in love with him she truly was. How am I supposed to handle that. 

I can't, that's the answer. I can't handle it. I can't tell him I've been hiding it for the better part of a year. He's going to hate me for not telling him when I first saw them, he's probably going to hate me for looking at his phone to begin with. I didn't do it because of any kind of trust issue. I just so happened to be taking his phone from our daughter when it came in. Though they never stopped coming in, then the pictures, it just pushed me over the edge.

"London, we can't..."

"We can't what?"

"We're married, we've been solid for four years, we have two amazing kids. I love you more today then I did yesterday. Splitting up can't be an option for us." He shook his head.

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