28, London

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Two months. I've been a mom for two months. Since I can't well I shouldn't say can't because honestly we can travel with her. I just don't feel comfortable with it yet. I wanted her immune system to be a little stronger before taking her on a germ infested plane right before sick season. So Ryker has had to go to a few races without us and he hates being away from us so much.

I'll never ever call being a parent easy. Finley is an amazing baby, but she has colic and I'm barely getting sleep. Plus I'm breast feeding her, so thankfully when Ryker is home he feeds her what I have pumped while I sleep or just do anything self care wise.

This momma is exhausted. He's gone so much, but when he is home? He's home. Nothing and nobody comes before Finley and I. He does everything in his power to get home as quickly as possible from his weekends away, and leaves at the last possible minute risking constant delays at the airport.

Seriously, the things he does to be with us as much as possible.

"Give me my baby!" I laughed as he yelled walking into the house. He knew she was awake, otherwise he wouldn't have yelled. But he ran inside and kissed me.

"Shower, airport grime." He groaned and ran up the stairs to our room coming back down only a few minutes later wiggling his fingers till I handed Finley over to him.

"Hi beautiful." He cooed down at her cuddled close in his arm. Then reached up and gently pulled my lips to his by the back of my neck. "Hello my love." I smiled against his lips.

"Hey. Just when I thought you only wanted our little girl."

"Mmm no I get to do things to her momma tonight, that I have dreamt about since I left."

"Would you stop it." I laughed and tried to back away but he just held on tighter.


"You know I don't feel myself Ryker."

"You've told me, but what if I worship the fuck out of your whole damn gloriously gorgeous body. Then will you feel more like yourself." I laughed again but he didn't.

"This isn't..."

"You going to try and tell me what I want and don't want again? Because London you are what I want, always."

"You know you don't have to butter me up, I'm a sure thing and you're stuck with me for at least 18 years." I laughed pointing to Finley.

"That's it? Just 18 years?" He raised his brow. "I was really hoping for like life or some shit."

"You really are a romantic Ryker Lucas." I deadpanned while he gave me a massive goofy smile.

"When does she need to eat?"

"She finished right before you got home, so she needs a diaper and put to sleep."

"Consider it done, go get in the bath and relax my love."

"Spoiled, I am spoiled."

"As it should be!" He tossed the words over his shoulder as he headed upstairs to Finley's room.

My favorite part of him being home besides the obvious, is watching him interact with our daughter by far. Ovaries screaming. Like almost begging this man to put another baby in me already.

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