35, Ryker

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"So, we will see you at home?" London pressed her lips against mine, the calm that surrounded me was intense.

"Mhm." I pulled away. "I've got to go in and talk to Dec for a few though. Y'all go ahead, I'll be there soon. She smiled climbing into the SUV. I kissed her again through the window and watched them drive away before heading back inside and straight to my brother-in-law, who had my sleeping niece in his arms. Rilee stood from the other side of the table, and her very pregnant self walked over and took their daughter.

"What's up man?" Declan stood and we walked away from the rest of the family.

"You have any idea where Ty might be right now?" He shrugged but pulled his phone out.

"I am supposed to be meeting up with Josh at Shorty's on main. He's probably with him hold up." I nodded as he pulled up Josh's contact and hit call, putting it on speaker right away.

"Douche, what's up."

"Y'all still out?"

"Yea, you coming? Or you girl got you too whipped ya ain't allowed." He laughed Dec and I both rolled our eyes.

"Thinking about it, who's all there?"

"Oliver, Ash, Finn, Eli is supposed to come out, Ty is about to leave, V is here, few friends of everyone kinda shit. This chick with some big ass tits. Owe!" He started laughing. "Fucking hit me." 

"Deserved, I'm sure." Dec laughed back. "Alright I'll see when all this warps up. Rilee's been feeling some contractions so I can't make promises."

"Ah right you're popping out more fucking kids. Alright man." I nodded at him having the information I needed, and mouthed a 'thank you' before running to gear up and flew down to Shorty's. 

I pulled into the parking lot just in time, watching Tyler head over to the passenger side of a vehicle. He stopped when he heard the bike. I pulled up in front of the car and shut it down. Got off the bike and started pulling off the helmet making my way over to him.

"The fuck do you want Lucas."

"I want to make sure you know that I'm clear when I tell you to stay the fuck away from my wife." I said with a smile.

"You've been all talk for four years."

"Ah, that's where you're wrong. You've been to scared to show up for four years."

"HA! I ain't scared of you, never have been, never will be." 

"Hmm." I was still smiling and took a few steps closer.

"You're got more to lose then I do Lucas."

"You're right. But what the fuck are you going to do?"

"I have lawyers at my beck and call."

"Yea, so do I, plus millions to back me, and a wife you'll never have." That struck a small nerve since he closed the gap between us bringing us face to face. Only thing I had on him was strength and muscle. We were the same height, and he had let himself go a bit.

"Fuck you Lucas."

"Do something about it DV. It ain't gonna be my wife. Nice try on that one though."

"What catching you cheating on her? Though she'd like that one. Almost had her come running right to me too, shame she so easy."

"If only you knew anything." My smirk didn't leave.

"Why you smiling about it? Bro you almost lost your wife." He laughed.

"London would never leave me. Especially not for a piece of shit narcissist like you." That's it, that's what it took for him to take a swing. A swing I easily dodged knowing it was coming. While he was still focused on trying to land a blow I kicked out his feet. He landed hard on the ground, a rush of air coming out. I stood over top of him. "You done? You been at this shit since her and I first got together. Face it man, you ain't it."

"Fuck you Lucas." He said still trying to catch his breath from the fall.

"I mean, she does, every fucking night." He spit in my direction. "Night night boss." I knelt down on one knee before landing a blow that knocked his ass out. A few of his friends came running over but by the time they got close I was already pulling away.

I kept that smile on my face the whole ride back home to my family, my forever, knowing damn well I wasn't losing a thing.

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