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A week had passed since the first day of school and i must say i am adapting. You may be wondering, what the hell is she trying to adapt? Well the answer is sort of easy

I am trying to get used to my life without Mat. And i must say, it is really boring without him. I was ignoring him and he did the same. Sure we shared the same lunch table but we managed to keep our gazes away from each other. It was for my own good because he had hurt me

So bad

To know the whole story, i need to go back few weeks ago before school starts. Mylo was visiting his uncle somewhere in Brazil. Lola spent the whole summer vacation taking care of her grandma who lived out of the state. And that left me here in our city. I refused to go anywhere because summer vacations didn't have any meaning for me. I preferred going somewhere in winter. So instead i found a job as a waitress in some cafe bar and spent most of my time preparing coffee and helping the old lady i worked for. And she was nice enough to increase my salary each time i did something for her. I FaceTimed both of my friends everyday and texted each other which helped a lot

The internet isn't that bad after all you know?

But i had Mat around me. He himself didn't go anywhere and spent most of his summer around. Mat was one of those cool kids around the school, funny, smart and handsome. Mylo was the one who introduced me to him and i must say, i liked us better when we're friends. We were really close. We hang out together most of the time, my house or their house.

Things were also fine when we started dating. I loved being with him as more than friends because he treated me well. He took me on cute dates and we attended parties together. He had never said something that harmed me in any way nor he did something to hurt me, but that was before.

There was a party around two weeks before the first day of school and i was somehow invited. It wasn't surprising because i wasn't a complete outcast nor i had a problem in my social life. Everything was great and people kind of knew me around the school. Mat was already invited since the party was at one of his many friends house. We agreed to go along and he was picking me up

The party was fun. I enjoyed the time i spent with my boyfriend at that time. Or i should say ex-boyfriend now. Lucky me, i was able to drink as much as i wanted because i wasn't the one who was driving. Not to mention that Mat rarely ever drunk more then one shot. His mom suffered from alcohol addiction which led him to avoid anything that had alcohol in it and sometimes he doesn't even drink.

I was sitting next to the swimming pool where a lot of of wasted teenagers were swimming and playing with the water. My feet were dangling and i had one of these red cups but instead of drinking that punch drink, the girl who i knew from the biology class gave me a shot of vodka with a wink. I smiled and felt so special for being one of the VIPs. The drink did make me relax but it wasn't enough for me to get wasted. I was a heavy drinker and i needed more than five shoots to start feeling a little tipsy 

I was talking to someone when Mat approached me. He bent down and gave me a light kiss. I smiled in between our kiss and when he noticed my empty cup, he suggested bringing me another one. I smiled widely because it wasn't his thing to do such things, i mean asking me about drinks. He only preferred nonalcoholic drinks. I was still talking to that girl it when i started to look around for him. His body nor his face were nowhere to be seen close by so i somehow excused myself and headed inside the house looking for him and my free drink. I pushed tens of heavy and sweaty bodies to reach the kitchen. There were kids here and there. Teenagers making out and others throwing up here and there. Typical high-school party. I entered the kitchen and scanned it but he wasn't there. All the drinks were there so it didn't give me any other option but to go back to where i was next to the swimming pool and watch them playing MARCO POLO.

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