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Ps : this chapter is three times longer than the usual chapters. Excuse me for that.

Enjoy reading.. GRACE <3

" Sure Mrs White.. No problem.. Thank you.. Have a nice day.." Audine's  voice echoed through my ear and it made me feel blissful. The same way music does. I looked at him when he handed me back my phone with a huge smile on his face like he had won a prize. He had managed to talk to my mom and calm her down because she freaked out thinking i was going to stay the night outside. His manners and polite tone made her calm down and understand the trouble i was in and she eventually gave in and agreed to let me stay at his house

But did i have any other option besides that?

I took the phone and placed it on my ear and spoke to my mom who was nowhere near worried the same way she was when i told her about me missing the train. Instead she sounded relaxed like nothing had happened. I guess getting into really messed up situations was something she got used to eventually.

" Well i guess I'll pick you up tomorrow from the train station" she said softly and i breathed out when thei realized that she was hundred percent calm and not freaked anymore

" Yes i guess.. I'll miss you mom" i whispered the last line because i didn't want Audine to hear me. We were walking towards his car that was parked where we left it that morning. Next to the where we ate that delicious breakfast. Mom chuckled from the other line and it made me relax even more. I've never spent the night away from my house. Except the few times with Mylo. I could particularly count them using my fingers. The idea of being away from my mom was bit unpleasant and at that moment i realized that i did miss her.

" Stop being such a baby Riley" she said and i frowned. How could she say that

".. And don't do anything stupid because the worst thing from visiting you at the rehabilitation centre is teen pregnancy" she said and i felt the blood raising to my cheeks. I couldn't believe mom said that. In fact, she never says things like this. I stopped and removed my phone from my ear and then turned it back

" You just called me a baby mom. Babies don't do whatever you just said. I'll see you tomorrow mom because this conversation is going somewhere i know i wouldn't like" i said and she laughed on the other line of the phone. I hangup and tossed my phone into my pocket and took a deep breath. I looked up at Audine who had a really cute smile on his face. Clearly enjoying that sight of me.

" Come on.. Mom's waiting. She's so excited to finally meet you" he said softly, pulling me towards his car. I didn't notice that we were finally in front of his beautiful shiny car. I held a smile back because of all of it. In one day i was able to do things I've never thought about doing before. In one day, i got to know him the way I've always wanted. We ate at his favorite stores, went to his school on the weekend and got a matching tattoo. Things I'd never wanted to do with Mat because it didn't seem so exciting and now what? I'm meeting his parents and staying the night in the same house as him

" She knows?.." i asked and he rolled his eyes at me, clearly thinking how stupid this question was

" Yours knows too" he told me and i blushed, not seeing this one coming. Sure my mom knows because he'd been the only subject I'd talked about since that odd phone call of ours

" Fair enough" i mumbled under my breath because we both didn't want to make each other embarrassed about anything we've said about each other to our parents. I said things. Things like i really like him mom on the dinner's table. I get in his car and put on my seat belt. This shouldn't be happening but it is and I'm suddenly so nervous about it. I try to imagine how his mom and dad looks like but i have nothing in mind. I try to imagine his royal blue room. His bed and the kind of pictures he has on his night stand. Anything and everything.

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