Eight (1)

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I woke up the next morning with the phone tossed under my ear, still in last night's clothes. I almost gasped because i thought i drunk myself to sleep again but memories from the night before came running quickly, giving me no chance to panic or even thinking about panicking. I checked my phone and i was glad that it was still the morning. I was glad to see that i didn't sleep myself until the evening. It doesn't feel good all the time

I grabbed my stuff and went to the bathroom. The shower was indeed relaxing. The moment the warm water hit my body, i felt like my worries were splashed but as soon as it stopped running through my body, everything went back to it place.

Damaged... That's how i felt, that's how i feel

That's how I'll always feel

" morning Renee" i told my mom who was reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee in her hand. She tore her gaze off whatever she was reading and gave me a blank look. She does it whenever i call her by her name

" do you have any plans for today?" she asked. I was pouring myself glass of juice. I closed the fridge and nodded towards her. I didn't have any plans for that day. I also didn't hear from Lola or Mylo so i just assumed there was nothing that day

" Good because we're going out today " mom said. I walked to her and sat down. I was still sleepy but when i heard her words, it all went down.

" what's the occasion?" i asked. I was so curious suddenly. I didn't get the hint. Not that i don't spend time with her but we've been a little distant lately. She works almost every day minus the weekend and i have school

" You've been a good daughter lately and i want to reward you." she said and my eyes widen. I knew she was going to spoil me today. I knew it

" I'm always a good daughter mom" i said while standing up knowing for sure that i am the opposite of what i just said. She told me to prepare myself first than go help Leanee with her hair. I hurried upstairs and wore something so quickly, afraid that mom will change her mind. I helped my little sister with her hair and dragged her downstairs with me.

Mom was already dressed and waiting for us next to the door. She smiled at us and opened the door for both me and Leanee to leave. My sister run towards the car while i walked slowly

" Can i drive this time? Please mom" i begged her. I've always wanted to drive her beautiful black Mercedes but she always refuses, saying that i might bump it in a tree. I am a reckless driver and i won't deny the fact that i actually did that before. Mom looked at me from head to toe and then threw me the key. I catch it and jumped.


The drive was freaking awesome. Although mom kept telling me to be careful throughout the drive and to slow down a little, i didn't. I drove a little fast when the road and I'm sure it's the last i drive that masterpiece. The rest of the day was pretty fun. Me and mom did a lot of shopping. She bought me a lot of clothes for a reason i quite didn't understand. We had lunch in the mall all together. I tried knowing who was the mystery man that asked mom out but i couldn't know any information. Not even his name.

" Why do you keep insisting on hiding his identity. It's not like I'm not gonna meet him eventually" i said, i took a sip of my drink and waited for her answer. It was quite weird to see mom outside her professional self. Outside her professional boring clothes and that tight bun she likes. Weird but she indeed looked pretty

" You'll know when it's right" she gave me the same excuse which made me doubt her. I think i know him somehow

" Soo, you've been seeing each other for a while i assume" i told her again because there was no way in hell she just met him. I knew mom well enough to know that she doesn't let anyone in her life that easily

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