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It was really hard to concentrate on anything happening in my life throughout the week because i was busy thinking about the weekend. I was busy thinking about Audine and how would feel like to meet him in person. I zoned out throughout the whole week, throughout the whole lessons and i also was distracted. Mostly because I was daydreaming about him

Pathetic isn't it?

And for my luck, bad or good - the one which i don't believe in - i kept seeing Audine in my dreams like the desperate teen girl i was. He was driving me insane without even trying or acknowledging it. He was torturing me without even doing it. I was silently suffering

I'll make things a little more clear to you

I had a dream on one of the days of the week. A dream that kind of ruined things for me. It was hard for me to see his face on my laptop for the rest of the week and it got even worse for the usual night calls of ours. Everything in him was pulling me towards him and we haven't even met. I kept wondering how the hell i was attracted to a person I've never even met. It doesn't make any sense

In the dream, the dream that proved me that i really had something for Audine, i saw him kissing me, or i should say i felt him kissing me because it felt too real to be a kiss from a dream. I spent the rest of the week dozed off. Like i was on drugs or something. I kept zoning off during classes or even at the dinner's table

Because of damn kiss in a dream

I kissed boys before. I wasn't exactly the definition of innocent but that kiss in that stupid dream made me reconsider my ex kisses. It made me feel like non of them were good. They were just kisses on my lips, not so exciting and not so overwhelming. They were just kisses. Normal and without any side effects like the once i am having because of the dream kiss. As embarrassing as it was, i told my two friends about it the day before the day i was supposed to meet Audine. Lola fell on the ground, laughing her eyes off meanwhile Mylo kept trying to hide his tears. I kept looking at them and silently thinking about how idiot both of them are

" Yea haha.. That was so funny... You guys are helping me out really good" i said while shaking my head. Lola stood up from the tables that were placed outside a cafe downtown. It was one of my favorite places because their coffee was super delicious. She fixed her hair a little and sat back, making me give her a weird look

" You're telling me that a kiss from a dream defeated all the real sweet kisses you've ever had..." she asked and i nodded, feeling so silly for even telling them. Mylo eyed me carefully and he was still holding his laughter back

" Not even Mylo's kiss? Girl you kept talking about that one for a whole month" i blushed at the sudden memory. Something i really shouldn't remember. Mylo kissed me when we were both freshman. We were too young and it somehow happened but it being my first kiss, it took my breath away in a second. And yes Mylo was the one to give me my first kiss. I don't exactly remember but i think it happened because we were playing truth or dare with a bunch of idiot friends like us and one of them somehow dared Mylo to kiss me. They tried their best to get us together, believing that me and Mylo had a thing for each other. We tried our best to convince them otherwise and we assured them that whatever we had between us was rare and special

Not the kind of thing that should be ruined by a relationship

I turned my gaze towards Mylo who was literally frozen in his place, almost not breathing at all. Isn't she supposed to feel jealous since she had a thing for him?

Now that's the weirdest group of friends you're going to hear about

" Nothing beats the first kiss Lola, but i think it felt close enough to that one" i answered honestly.

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