Nine (1)

51 5 6

A/N : hey beautiful people :)

So I've mentioned this to you in the PROLOGUE and i had to say it again just in case anyone of you had missed it. I @gracebtowns do not live in America or Europe. The places i mentioned down below doesn't exist in real life ( or they do i don't know) i had to give the places random names just to make the story bit realistic so all you have to do is imagine - without shaming me in the comments.

Peace :)

For the past few weeks I've been avoiding Mat and his stupid face. At first he had lunch with us for the first few days, thinking that i might talk to him or god knows what he had in mind but when he noticed that i didn't blow a single breath in his side, he actually decided to switch group friends. Mylo and Lola were still in touch with him at first. It didn't make sense to me to ask them not to talk to him anymore because we were all close friends. He was their friend as much as i was but the day after they told me what he had told them, things kind of changed. They told me they didn't know who was he anymore

That day his gaze met mine in the hallway and i ignored it. I turned my gaze away, not allowing any feelings to gather inside me or to even curl up into my face. I left it all blank.

I knew that look. I knew it too well

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Everything was in its place. Even though Mylo and Lola didn't do anything about themselves, i noticed something shifting between the two of them. Maybe the glances that were stolen throughout lunch or the way they froze whenever they accidentally touched each other. I couldn't quite guess but something was there.

On my way to my car on a freaking Wednesday after school i saw Mat leaning on my junk 98 BMW. The one i adore to death despite the work it needed. I took a deep breath and continued walking towards my treasure. If he's there to talk, it's too late to do so. It's been almost two months since it happened. Way too late. I ignored his presence and opened the car's door, ready to get inside

" I want to talk to you" he said. His voice was more demanding than anything else. I looked around me and i noticed that Mylo was leaning on his own car and looking in my way.

" I don't... Get off my car or else you'll end up right underneath it" i breathed out, not really wanting to talk more. He ignored my threat and stepped towards me. A little closer than he should've done

" you don't have to act that way Riley. I really miss you and i want you back. I want us back" he said and i almost believed him. If it wasn't for whatever happened that night, if it wasn't for the fake look and the fake smile on his lips, i would've believed him. Luckily i was sober and his games won't trick me.

" not interested. Now back the fuck off" i told him again but it seemed like he wasn't going anywhere. He grabbed my wrist and forced the door closed, making me angry as hell. I hated it when people touch my old car like that. I was the only one who had the access to treat it that way

" Why? I know you want me back" he said. I knew that he had an ego bigger than his body size but him thinking that i still want him after the messed up shit he'd done, than he's more likely to be sick desperate immature guy than egoistic. I pulled my hand of his grip and opened my car again, this time i wasn't willing to let him prevent me from getting inside

" First, don't you ever touch my car ever again and the last time i checked, it was my life not yours and I'm free to make any decision i want so you don't to get to ask questions on why the fuck i don't want your cheating ass back" i told him, feeling so angry so suddenly. I pushed him back a little and got inside my car. I turned the engine on and started to move but before leaving completely, i turned down the car window and looked at his face. The desire of breaking his unfaithful heart getting stronger and stronger

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