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The problem in knowing a person online is that you don't really have the access to know all the details about their life. You just know what they offer you only. You're unaware of their life style or their background and even if they weren't exactly closed off, you'd still see them as a mystery.

In my case, i had the chance to live a day in Audine's way. I did whatever he does in a normal day in his life. Breakfast at Sara's, library, the park, his old high school, getting a tattoo - which by the way isn't included in his daily activities - and ice cream in the 80's shop. But i still don't know a lot of things. I don't know how his school life was. I know nothing about his friends except for Jules and that was making me feel like i was missing something, and i truly was missing a lot of things

I had no other vision for Audine except for him being one of the loved ones around the school because how can you not love him? He was smart, pretty and really nice. I thought of a lot of things but i never asked to confirm which was a selfish thing from my side. I was falling in love with him and everything he does and that included the feeling of wanting to know all about him but i never asked, in which by the way is my biggest regret

I should've asked and i should've known

Mylo was seated on the arm chair and Lola was sitting on his lap and they looked disgustingly cute and in love, meanwhile i was next to Audine, still wrapped in my Gryffindor scarf. We had an annoying space between us that i focused on. I didn't like that i wasn't wrapped in his arms the way Lola was with Mylo and even though he was there next to me, i still missed him a lot. It's a bit weird how you only know how much you missed a person until you meet them. I deeply wanted to close the gap between me and him and just hold him close, feel his lips against mine for a while but i couldn't. I was under the eyes of my best friends and especially Lola. She had thrown me thousands of looks since they arrived together Thirty minutes ago. Looks that i desperately wanted to escape and not receive. I was in fact really surprised at how extroverted she seemed when she was a person who disliked talking to strangers. Or maybe Audine was an easy person that you don't need that much of an effort to put while talking to him.

" I had attended private schools my whole life up until my Junior year" I heard Audine saying. I had no clue where my head had been during their conversation but i sure was stunned when i heard his statement. That was a fully new information which increased my feeling of diminution. If that was the right word and way to describe how i felt. I turned my face to face Audine only to find him looking at me, scanning my face for anything. I on the other hand held a look of shock on my face because of other things i had on my mind

" You attended public school for one year only?" i asked him and he nodded. That didn't seem to mean a lot of things to Lola and Mylo but it did to me. I ignored the looks i was receiving from them and kept going. I needed a answer for my particular question

" What about Jules? " That question that was on my mind. Nothing else but the desire to know about the redhead traitor. For a reason, i felt like whatever she did to him that i didn't know was personal to me too. I've never asked him about how long they had been together or how long they had known each other. Not that i wanted to know because the answer may hurt me in a way.

" She was the one who showed me around the school on my first day. We started dating shortly after"

I know i had no right to feel bad or feel any sort of emotions in that matter but i did. I was jealous at first because she got him first and then i got upset because he wasn't mine and i wasn't supposed to be feeling like that at all. Mylo was giving me a certain look that i had to admit that i hated it. Sometimes i hated how much he knew me and how far he could get into my brain just by analyzing my facial expressions or my tone. It was true that everything had good and a bad side. Thankfully i was saved from the whole thing when a knock on the door echoed through the house. I tore my eyes from my friend's eyes and headed to the door. I was so focused on Audine that I totally forgot about Adam showing up and the worst thing was that I forgot to mention him to Audine. I had no idea how was he going to react and i just hoped he wouldn't be uncomfortable in any sort of way.

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