Leaf looked down at her paws and sighed, looking up at Horizon. "We need to consult the Lost Spirits."
"Why?" Leaf was slightly shocked. Back when they were trainees, Horizon had been excited to communicate with the Lost Spirits. She'd constantly ask Leaf if it was time yet, and Leaf expected her to be happy to, since she'd be able to speak with Lion again.
"Lion and Stag are dead." Leaf meowed, trying not to stutter from her shock. Horizon flicked her tail. "So?"
Leaf took a moment to really study Horizon. She held one of her back paws very stiffly. "Is your leg okay?"
Horizon glanced down at it, flexing it. "Yes."
"Are you sure?" Leaf mewed, reaching out. She yelped and retracted her paw as something pricked her. She turned her paw to see a rose thorn in her pad. Had she accidentally trod on one while walking back? But wouldn't she have felt it? Confusion masked Leaf. What was happening?
"Yes." Horizon nodded. Leaf flicked her tail. "I...I have questions I need to ask the Lost Spirits. Aren't you coming?"
Horizon shook her head. "I don't need to."
"Wha-" Leaf couldn't hide her shock. "Why not?"
"I don't need them." Horizon blinked calmly as a chill ran down Leaf's spine. "You can't say that!" She mewed fervently. "Who'll guide your paws?"
"I'll find my own guide." Horizon mewed.
Leaf shook her head. "Stop talking nonsense! Go talk to Tiny. I'm going to speak with the Lost Spirits. You're just in shock."
"Sure." Horizon sounded like she didn't believe Leaf. Leaf sighed and stormed off, angry, confused, and sad. Why was Horizon acting so strange? Leaf felt like she didn't know her sister at all.

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