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Horizon felt something snap deep inside her. Anger bubbled in her, although she wasn't quite sure why.
Thrush. What has she done? Rage filled Horizon. She wasn't sure how she knew, but she got the feeling that Thrush had betrayed them, and that she'd payed the price for it.
Toad padded up to her. "Thrush is dead." He meowed, his voice low.
Horizon nodded. "We have to check on the vines."
Horizon growled. Some of the vines had retracted and disappeared, and a few of the roses were beginning to wither. Had Thrush done this, or had her death caused it? Horizon hadn't felt this angry since...well, since before she'd gone into the shadow forest.
Infected. It was a harsh term, though it was a fitting description for Toad and Horizon. All they really thought about were the vines, and...well, Horizon didn't mind. So what if she was infected? It didn't hurt her. So, what, if it had killed several other cats? Perhaps Leaf and the others weren't strong enough to handle the infection. Maybe Thrush wasn't, either.
"We need to fix this." Horizon growled.
Toad flicked his stub. "The vines didn't reach as far as we thought they would."
Horizon blinked as she had an idea. "I think I know how we can fix that..."

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