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Thrush jumped as Adder suddenly burst into the Dawn Cat's camp.
"Adder!" Snake purred, padding up to her. "Where's Leaf?"
"She...she got caught..in the vines.." Adder whimpered. "I think she's dead.
Somewhere far away, Thrush felt a prick of guilt and shock. Leaf was dead? She glanced over at Horizon, who simply stared blankly. She didn't seem to care.
No. No, that didn't feel right. Thrush knew..she thought...that if Finch had died, she'd be heartbroken. But Horizon didn't seem to care that her sister had just been killed, let alone that it was their fault.
Oh, no.. That didn't sit right with Thrush. She shook her head. "I'm going outside." She mewed softly.
As Thrush walked, she felt herself get stiffer. By the time she'd reached one of the Dawn Cats' rivers, she could hardly move. She looked down and saw the vines around her had grown so tight that the thorns dug into her, and she was bleeding in several places. Still, she felt numb. Thrush felt herself trembling as everything hit her. The eery calm feeling faded, bringing all the emotions she should've felt back. Fear, doubt, guilt, sadness...
Leaf was dead. Lion was dead. Stag was dead. Stone was...almost dead. Thrush let out a wail. Was this her fault?
Thrush let out a choked sob. The vines hurt, they hurt so much! How hadn't she noticed?
When was the last time she'd eaten? She should've been dead by now. Were the vines keeping her alive? Were they killing her, now that the jig was up?
Thrush choked as the vines closed around her throat. She stumbled as they wrapped tighter around her, closing off her airpipe.
No. Thrush let out a soft whimper. She didn't want Finch to see her like this, she wanted to die alone, she deserved to die alone, for what she'd done.
"Thrush, what happened?" Finch cried.
"Stay away." Thrush half growled, half rasped. "This is my punishment."
"For what?" Finch's eyes were wide.
"It's all my fault..." Thrush whimpered, before everything went black and she slowly faded from consciousness.

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