1| James

185 5 16

Tomorrow was the day that we all knew was coming and it was one we all were dreading. It was the day all the students returned and moved back into Barnard University which meant one of two things
You had the returning students here the night before drinking their Daddy's money down the drain while plotting their schemes from the year ahead 

"Another round!" A blonde said slamming more money on the counter, I looked at him with a raised brow 
Something these idiots lack is some fucking manners, guess Money really cannot buy everything

"Now" He said waving his money into my face, I bit my tongue. Again.
As I began pouring his drinks I look out of the corner of my eye keeping tabs on the girls working this evening, I know how handsy these pricks can be
I won't hesitate to have one of them on their asses if they go to far 
Sure enough, Michelle was already having the pick of the litter as one of the boys' hands travelled to her waist as she made her way through the crowd carrying an now empty tray

I handed over the blonde his drinks before heading over to the waitress' stand where Michelle soon joined me with an eye roll
"Let me kick them out" I warned her but she shook her head
"James, it's fine. I'm a big girl" She said pouring herself a shot from behind the bar before pointing the bottle at me asking if I wanted one

I looked behind her to see the same guy eyeing her up with darkened eyes
"Mich I'm not playing, I don't like this" I warned her making her look behind her, she sighed pulling her dress down to cover more of her thighs

"Get behind the bar, I'll serve them tonight" I offered but she shook her head
"Neil wouldn't let you do that even if I wanted you to" She reminded me
"Can I get two Amstel's and a Strongbow please" Michelle said flashing her usual smile making me roll my eyes 

Michelle was a pretty girl and she knew that but so did this entire town. Michelle is one of the very few girls around here that doesn't settle, in the time I've known her she's never been in a relationship, the only interaction she happily has is with the boys and I. That's it but even then it's never anything more then close friends, family even 

"Round two, here we go" She muttered offering me a small smile as she lifted the tray off the bar with one hand carrying it out to the boys who were not so patiently waiting 

Her blonde hair hung long down her back while her short black dress that our creep of a boss makes all the girls were hugged her body tightly, rising up ever so slightly the more she walked, which in turn meant more eyes fell to her ass as she passed people 


"Hey man!" Hunter said throwing his bag behind the bar as he finally made an appearance for his shift. The entire gang works here on and off, as and when we are needed
For me, I'm here most nights same with Michelle. But for the likes of Hunter, Eldon and West, they seem to come and go. They can be working all week one week then not again for a month 
But none of them seem to be phased at all by it 
I wouldn't be able to survive with that, I like to know I'll have the money to keep a roof over my head

"Alright?" I asked finishing up yet another cocktail for the night, I handed it over to the short brunette in front of me who offered me a grin which soon turned into a smirk
"What time do you get off?" She asked looking me up and down, I could feel Hunter's smirk from behind me as I leant against the bar looking at the girl in front of me

"Right around the time that you should be tucked up in bed I'm afraid" I said pushing myself off of the bar to serve the next person
I do not go any further then serving the girls here. I do not plan on taking them home, no matter how much they ask, or how good looking they are

"You're boring you know that?" Hunter said throwing a tea towel at me while I rolled my eyes 

I hadn't seen Michelle in a little bit, part of me thought that she was just off chatting to the other servers but from what I can see, they are all accounted for
The closer I looked around the bar, the sooner I realised that the same handsy prick from earlier was missing too
"Hunt, watch the bar I'll be back" I warned him making him shrug
I headed straight into the direction that Michelle would go to put glasses away, it just so happens that the only way to get there is a transfer through the alley behind the bar 

"Just get off!" I heard a voice squeal, a voice I would know anywhere.
I stepped out of the double doors to see Michelle pushed against a wall, her tray of glasses smashed on the floor while the same guy towered over her, pushing her dress up ever so slightly exposing more of her legs

"She told you to get off!" I said pushing the guy back, he lost his footing rather easily but given how much he's been drinking with his pals, I'm not surprised

I pushed Michelle behind me allowing her to pull her dress back down and to attempt to compost herself 
As I looked down at the guy in front of me, his eyes had darkened to a whole new level as he looked at his now bleeding hands, picking out the specks of glass
"Oh man, you've fucked it now" He smirked rising to his feet

He took one swing at me and instantly missed, his fist soon my contact with the old phone box next to us cutting his hand all over again, I rolled my eyes. 
The guy raised his first again the attempt to hit me but was soon greeted with my fist making firm contact with his face
"Spencer man!" One of his pals laughed coming out into the alley
"I suggest you take your friend and get the fuck out of here" I warned them all but they were quick to shake their heads

"I think you'll find you're the one who will be leaving" Spencer said smugly now standing up making Michelle and I turn to see Neil stood on the stairs with a less then impressed look on his face 

"And I think he's right James" Neil said crossing his arms across his chest 

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