14 | Riley

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I wasn't surprised to see that Thalia hadn't come home last night
She was rather into hanging with James and his friends right before I left. There was a small ounce of guilt that followed after everything with James last night

It's strange really, had this been a year ago. I wouldn't have batted an eyelid, I wouldn't have been showing James even an ounce of attention, I was completely invested in Spencer.. But now? I think if I don't cut the tie, it's just going to end badly

"You wanted to talk?" James said walking into the bar that afternoon. I knew this would be the most common ground we would be able to find
Plus if all goes wrong.. He'll have some familiar faces around?

"What's up Cinderella?" He teased sitting on the chair in front of me
"I uh" I started before sighing looking down
Was I really about to do this?
I mean by doing this doesn't it also mean I sort of play into my father's plan, into this stupid life he's slowly been building for me?

I love Spencer and I have for years, I didn't think that anything could and would ever change that but this boy in front of me certainly had me questioning it.. But I have to do what I have to do

"I think it might be best if we stop hanging out" I said making James instantly look at me confused
"Where is this coming from?" He questioned
"I have a boyfriend James" I muttered and James nodded

"And where has he been the last 2 months?" James asked, Spencer has been busy.. I'll give James that but that doesn't belittle the fact that I am with him, I can't keep doing this because one day I'll take a step too far..

"Let me guess, he goes to Barnard. And your father approves?" James said with a little snark in his tone
"You know, I really thought that you weren't like the usual girls in that hell Riley. I had hope for you" James said standing up from the chair quite obviously annoyed

"James I-" I started making him turn around
"I think I've heard enough Riley. You're choosing the prim and proper guy your parents always wanted for you. Congratulations Cinderella. You've got your Prince Charming" He said before shaking his head again walking out the bar slamming the door behind him

"Riley!" Thalia called walking into the dorm that evening, the look on her face made it rather obvious that she knew what had happened
"You didn't actually just do that did you?" She asked taking a seat on the sofa in front of me

"What did I or didn't I do?" I asked making her glare at me
"James has already told everyone." She warned me

I knew that would be the case, I mean he probably need to talk to someone about it. I just didn't think it would get around this fast

"Can we not do this Thal, I know you don't like Spencer but I can't just start running off with someone else based on that. James is a great guy and I'm sure he'll find someone when he wants to" I explained
"Have you ever thought that person might be you?" She asked but I shook my head
"I am not available Thalia, I should never have entertained it and for that I am sorry" I continued but she continued look at me with disapproval

"I refuse to believe that you are just throwing in the towel and running back to Shrek" She said making me roll my eyes
"Thalia please stop" I asked making her sigh

I can understand her annoyance, her gripe with the whole situation but at the same time.. It was my choice and surely she should just accept that

We were soon interrupted by a knock at the door, I knew exactly who it was but I also knew that it would be the last person that Thalia wanted to see
"Is that him?" Thalia asked and I nodded rising to my feet
I walked over to the door to open it only to reveal the last person I had anticipated to see

"I think it's time we had a little talk" My Dad said making me look to Thalia with widened eyes

It wasn't long before Thalia has excused herself out of the dorm allowing Dad and I to speak in total privacy, honestly I would have preferred if she had stayed but here we are..

"The Ball" He said tapping his fingers on the mug of Coffee he had helped himself to
"Yes?" I asked
"Who did you go with?" He questioned making me look at him confused
"Spencer? Who else would I have gone with?" I questioned

Technically speaking, it wasn't a lie. More of an exaggeration of the truth

I went to the ball with Spencer, Spencer decided he had other business to attend to. Leaving my unattended or at least in the hands of Will's

"Then explain these young lady" Dad said placing 5 photographs of last night down on the coffee table
The moment I saw them, I didn't have an answer, I didn't have an explanation and I didn't know what wrath I was about to get

"You are supposed to be a lady Riley, you are supposed to be with Spencer yet you're parading around with this Town boy? For what?" He asked
"Fun Dad, for fun. James and I are friends" I explained
"James huh" He said is disgust

"Riley you are sworn to Spencer you know that" He said making me narrow my eyes at him
My biggest point was that I was not to be sworn to anyone, not even Spencer and that was something he had agreed too..

"Since when?" I asked
"Last time I checked, I was not to be sworn to anyone. That may be something that Em has wanted her entire life but I made it clear that wasn't the path I was going to take" I reminded him
"None of your business deals are worth spending my entire life unhappy" I added

"Unhappy? Riley you are smitten with the boy" Dad argued making me roll my eyes
"That's irrelevant. The moment you put that pressure on something it crumbles! We both know that!" I exclaimed
"No Riley-"He started

"You don't think I've noticed how Mum goes away with the girls one week every 3 months? Right as you enter your Poker seasons. Or how you let Mum do as she pleases in the house as long as it doesn't impact you at all?" I asked making Dad narrow his eyes
"That's Dif-" He started again before I cut him off

"No Dad, I grew up watching you and mum fall in and out of love with each other, I watched Emily constantly beat herself up whenever some guy would break her heart that you had sworn her too. That girl has been cheated on more times then I've taken a test" I yelled making Dad's eyes darken glaring at me

"I think you need to remember who you are talking to young lady" He warned
"I thought I was talking to my Dad but he's making it obviously clear that I'm talking to a business man instead" I said looking at him with the same glare he was offering me
"Your forbidden to see this boy again" He growled
"Bit late for that Dad, beat you to that punch. But even if I hadn't, this wouldn't be something that would make me walk away" I warned him

"I'm not like Emily, I won't bite my tongue forever" I warned him again making him huff in agitation
"You will do as you are told Riley" He said rising to his feet

"If I don't see an improvement in your behaviour, your attitude and your morals. I won't hesitate to take you out of this college and send you to Madam Jane's" He warned

That was always be the big threat with both of my parents. They would always say it to Emily and I growing up - the difference bring Emily actually wanted to go, I on the other hand would never want to

It's a college all about teaching you to be the perfect wife, not the type of thing I would ever be interested in

I am not going to be one of those girls who sit there at home with a bunch of kids with dinner on the table waiting for their husband to arrive home..

"Noted" I said knowing this conversation would not be going anywhere beneficial for me..

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