15 | James

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It's been a month since Riley decided to walk away, from what I've heard and seen her and Spencer are living their ideal fairy tale lifestyle 
"Come on, please" Piper whined, today was the annual Spring Fair in the square. It's always been a tradition that we go with Brody but I don't know this year I'm not feeling it
Probably because I know for a fact Riley will probably be there

"Jay, get up we are going" Brody said rolling his eyes throwing a pillow at me 
"Why don't you two of you go, I'll give you the money" I offered but he shook his head 

At this point Piper had run out of the room to get ready while Brody and I continued to debate the ins and outs of this plan

"I don't know what is up your ass at the moment man but you aren't getting out of this" He warned me
"Piper treasures this shit. Don't be a cope out like our parents" He said making me sigh
"I just don't want to Brods, stuffs gone on behind the scenes and I-" I started before I watched Brody roll his eyes

"If this is about your little Barnard girl then cut it out James" He said making me look at me him with a full glare
"Don't act like you actually cared about the girl. You were using her as a pawn in your sick fucking game. She deserves better then both of you" He warned me 

"You don't know what-" I started again before he cut me off
"I don't know what I'm talking about? I'm not 5 anymore James, I know more then you do" He laughed

"If you really cared about her, you would have told her about that guy cheating, you would have come clean a long time ago" Brody said standing up
"So get your ass up, get dressed and face the music" He added making me sigh laying my head back down on the pillow 


The square was covered head to toe in flowers, there were stalls dotted everywhere. Mainly family run business' trying to make themselves known to the wealthy that'll be swarming this general area for the next few hours
"What's up man!" West cheered coming over with the rest of the gang 
They all perched on the wall one by one while they all continued to look out
Thalia had sort of become a known member of the group much to her parents dismay but as long as she continues to get the right grades they seem rather chill

"how are we all?" I asked making them all shrug 
"How long till the posh pricks leave?" Hunter asked making me chuckle looking up from my phone 
I glanced around to see if I could see Piper or Brody and sure enough Brody was rather easy to fine. He was stood by the Cotton Cady Stand talking to the same blonde I always catch him gawking at when he does go to school

Piper on the other hand was nowhere to be seen?

"have anyone seen Piper?" I asked making everyone start looking around 
"Wasn't she with Brody earlier?" Thalia asked and i nodded
"He's rather occupied right now" Eldon teased making me roll my eyes

"Found her" Michelle said grabbing my attention
But when I turned it was certainly not a sight I was expecting..

I turned around and saw Riley twirling Piper around to the music that was going on. She stood there in one of the dresses she had always complained to me about, the floaty, pink, pretty dresses. Her heels not too high but definitely noticeable. Riley's hair curled hanging low while a smile stayed across her face the entire time she was with Piper 

"Do they no each other?" Hunter asked but I shook my head
"not that I'm aware of?" I continued before watching as Brody started to approach us
"Where is P?" He asked making all of us nod towards Riley and Piper making Brody chuckle 

"I take it you know more then we do?" I asked and he nodded confidently
"About two weeks ago Pipes was up here with Graham and Jess when they bumped into a princess" He teased putting quotes around the Princess part

"Piper spends most of her time hoping to bump into her again and I guess, she got her wish" Brody laughed but in reality this was not a laughing matter.. This was going to get real messy..

I glanced back over at the pair and tried my best to hide the smile that I knew should not be on my face right now.
But I haven't seen Piper this happy since everything went down if I'm honest.. 
Riley had a new level of smile on her face too one I had never seen before
The pair together had the biggest smiles to the point you could light a city with them 

Just off from Piper and Riley you could see Spencer with his band of idiots, they would glance over but Spencer's gaze on Riley never faltered. He was drawn in and I hate to say it but I couldn't blame him 

Before I had the chance to cut my gaze, I caught Piper running in our direction with the same smile on her face before she clung onto my waist
"Hey P" I chuckled making her smile up at me like a small toddler
I looked back over to see Riley walking down the path with Spencer, Spencer had his arm around her shoulder whispering something into her ear as they began to walk into our ear shot 

"I'm just saying your good with kids love" Spencer said making me raise a brow
"That doesn't mean I want to sit at him raising them while you hide in an office" Riley said with a little bit of annoyance in her tone
"Plus why are we even having this conversation right now?" Riley continued to ask

"Is it such a crime to think about our future Riles?" he asked making Riley sigh looking anywhere but at her prince charming 
"Future, yeah" She muttered to herself 

Her gaze caught mine for a second and a second only because the moment she realised she was looking at me she broke all eye contact before holding onto Spencer's hand 

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