25 | James

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Thalia and Michelle were off dancing, it was the first time in months that Michelle wasn't actually working this Saturday night.
"So" Hunter sad sitting on his usual stool
"Are you going to try and bullshit us and say that Riley didn't get you your job back?" He asked making me look at him with a raised brow
"I don't know who did" I explained but he shook his head
"Bull shit James" Hunter laughed

I looked over at Eldon and West who said face looked like they had the exact same opinion on the matter

"All I know is that Neil called me this morning offering it back if I wanted to take it. And I mean come one I would be an idiot not to!" I said making all the boys roll their eyes
"And you don't think Riley had a part to play in it?" Eldon asked and I shrugged
"Whether she did or not, I'm not going to jinx it. May I remind you boys that the girl won't even speak to me?" I said hoping that would help bring them on board with the down play

"So the game isn't back on then?" Hunter teased making me roll my eye
"How about we just scrap that?" I asked making Hunter furrow his brows at me

"I mean wasn't the end game to take something that was Spencer's because he took my job? I have that back and Riley broke up with him?" I offered 
"he has a point" Eldon said
"I mean I've hated this game the entire time" West said smiling smugly

"So nobody mentions this game to anyone, it doesn't leave the four of us and is never to be mentioned to Riley" I warned them all pointing at them individually making them all roll their eyes 


Midnight rolled around a lot faster then I had anticipated and honestly, I wasn't complaining 
I walked out the back exit. The rest of the gang were still in the bar trying to get me to stay put but after using Piper and Brody as an escape goat again, I was set free

"hey" I called making Riley jump tuning around, she was stood in the same dark alley this all started in
"Hey" She smiled allowing me to press my lips against her the moment she's close enough
"Are you ready to go?" I asked making Riley nod as I intertwined our hands heading back to mine

"How was dinner?" I asked 
"It was same old same old. Mum stressing over this wedding, Emily mirroring her stress, Dad asking a million questions about my plans for the future, Will sitting there watching it all unfold" Riley shrugged making me chuckle
"sounds intense" I offered making Riley nod
"you have no idea, I feel like I spend more time at their house then I do in my own dorm" Riley explained making me chuckle lightly

It wasn't long until we were at mine, to no surprise every light in that bloody house was on. You could here both Piper and Brody yelling from just standing on the pavement
"It's not the mansion I'm sure you live in but it's home" I teased making Riley roll her eyes
"I prefer this house over the mansion any day" she said reaching up pecking my cheek 

The pair of us walked in to the house and the moment I opened the door, the yelling only got louder
"Yo dumb and dumber!" I called before hearing silence finally fill the house. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop 

"James sort that sister of ours out before I actually kill h-her" Brody said stuttering the moment he walked into the hallway to see both Riley and I
"Who's that?" Brody asked making Piper peer her head out of the living room before a huge grin lit up her face

"Riley!" Piper squealed coming running over to riley hugging her waist while Riley smiled down at her pushing her hair away from her face
"Hey Piper" Riley gushed making me smile at the pair

"Are you going to answer my question?" Brody said grabbing my attention again. His attitude growing more and more out of hand

"How about we tone down the attitude?" I offered but Brody rolled his eyes storming out

I don't really know what just happened, Brody doesn't know Riley, Riley doesn't know Brody. So what's with the vendetta 

"go talk to him" Riley said softly giving my hand another squeeze
"nah, he needs to calm down and come and apologise" I said but Riley shook her head
"James go and talk to him, I think he needs someone to listen to him. Not be told he needs to apologise" Riley said making me sigh

"I won't be long okay?" I offered making Riley smile nodding
"It's okay, I'll hang with Piper" Riley said making Piper frantically nod
"Take you time James" Piper said giggling dragging Riley off to the living room making me roll my eyes

I knew exactly where Brody would be. Long before everything happened with our parents we had a spot, I would gladly say this is still out spot but Brody tends to use it now to escape me.
As I walked out of the garden over to the tree house, I knew he was up here just by the fact the lights in the grass had turned on from him passing by

"B" I said climbing up, I could hear him scoff as he came over to attempt to lock the hatch
"Go away James" he warned after realising it was too late
"no, we need to talk" I replied finally getting inside

Looking around this place hadn't changed at all. The same posters we'd ripped out of a magazine hung on the walls, there were a few sports ball dotted around as well as a lot of rubbish. But it was the hangout, the one place in this house that didn't need to be cleaned
Mainly because both Mum and Dad wouldn't dare come up here
Piper's tried a few times but never made it past the 3rd step 

"So that's the Barnard girl then" He said with a face like a slapped ass
"Her name is Riley" I replied making him scoff
"Why would you bring here here James? You know for a fact Piper is only going to get attached then the moment your game is over with, you've not only fucked with Riley, you've hurt our little sister" He warned me 

That's when it all clicked
Brody's problem isn't with Riley, it's with me. 
It's with what I was doing, the outcome it would have on not only Riley but now everyone involved

"Don't put Piper in the middle of this" He said looking directly at me making me nod

"look, I know what you know. I know that you knew about the game but I can promise you that it's not happening anymore. That is long over with" I said making him furrow his brow at me
"So why is she here? I would have predicted that she would have run for the hills when she found out" Brody said making a valid point, I bowed my head lightly picking at the cushion in front of me

"You haven't told her have you" He said narrowing his eyes at me
"Brody listen" I said but he shook his head
"No James you listen to me, the three of us have had people walk in and out of our lives for years now. For once in your fucking life, do the right thing" He yelled

"You need to think about everyone else involved for a second, by not telling Riley you are hiding what initially brought you to her, you are hiding the root of the foundation of your relationship. You're inviting her into both Piper and I's life for what? For her to leave when she finds out?" He asked but I shook my head

"She won't find out Brod" I warned but he shook his head looking at me in disgrace

"Secrets always find a way of coming out James" He finished 

Eyes On The PrizeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora