3 | James

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"So you're telling me, just like that you don't have a job anymore?" West asked, we were all sat on the beach watching the Barnard clones walk around their bonfire
This place was usually quiet this time of evening, in fact this is where the gang and I tend to hang but every now and again these kids fill the beach with their presence and it never ends well

"What can I say, apparently Spencer Barrett has more say in this town then we had assumed" I shrugged
After Neil pulled me into the office last night, he wasn't going to let it go anytime soon

He paid me for the rest of the week and then told me I wasn't welcome there for work but he wasn't going to stop me from coming in as a customer. 
That's something I guess? Means I can still go in and keep tabs on the girls, make sure that everyone keeps their hands to themselves?

"What was his name?" Eldon asked 
"Spencer Barrett" Hunter said with a posh accent making all of us laugh 
"Got him!" Eldon said turning his phone so we could all see what he was looking at

"And of course he has a girlfriend" West said rolling his eyes"Didn't you kick his ass for touching Mich?" Hunter asked making me nod"She's just another one of Barnards newest clones" Eldon showing us his phone again this time showing us the girls...

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"And of course he has a girlfriend" West said rolling his eyes
"Didn't you kick his ass for touching Mich?" Hunter asked making me nod
"She's just another one of Barnards newest clones" Eldon showing us his phone again this time showing us the girls most recent photo

"And of course he has a girlfriend" West said rolling his eyes"Didn't you kick his ass for touching Mich?" Hunter asked making me nod"She's just another one of Barnards newest clones" Eldon showing us his phone again this time showing us the girls...

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"She certainly fits the type" Eldon said again, I can see his point. Hair perfectly in place, dress no shorter then her mid thigh, jacket covering her shoulder, face painted to the point you wouldn't notice until you looked deep enough
She was the definition of one of them.

"you know what you should do right?" Hunter said taking another swig of his beer
"And what would that be Hunt?" I asked leaning back on my hands

"He took something that was yours" He said making me look at him
"So you take something that is his" He smirked 

Before any of us could say another word our attention was grabbed by the noise of shattered glass, we all turned to see some of the students getting a little too big for their boots. One had another in an almost choke hold making all of us roll our ryes

Considering we are the ones deemed as trouble, tonight wouldn't do anything but prove that theory wrong


The evening continued, Michelle had joined us at this point after her shift while we continued to watch the idiots in front of us
"Someone is seriously going to get hurt in a minute" Michelle stressed making us all nod
"Not our problem though" I reminded her 

The more I watched them, the easier it was to show who really was the troublesome ones in this bunch, you could also tell who it was that had the most money. They walked around like their presence was nothing shy of an honour 

"Look what the crap brought in" West said nodding to the steps on the beach
We all glanced over to come face to face with Spencer Barrett
And of course he wasn't alone. That boy wouldn't dare leave his back up at any point
"He has a girlfriend?" Michelle asked making us realise we hadn't filled her in on this newest development 

We all watched as he flung his arm around his girlfriends shoulder, she had this sweet innocent smile on her face while they walked over to his friends, they had another girl trailing behind her looking just as happy to be here as Riley

"Do you think she knows?" Michelle asked softly making me look at her before looking back at the couple
The way Riley happily sat on his lap while they spoke to the people around them, it was obvious
"She doesn't have a clue" I answered making Michelle nod 

"James bite the bullet and do it. It's about time these rich kids were taught a lesson or two" Hunter said making Michelle roll her eyes getting up and leaving 

She knows that when Hunter is hell bent on something, there is usually no talking him down. Michelle has gotten used to all of us fucked up plans and does her best to keep out of them
It's always been safer that way 
For Michelle at least 

"What is it exactly that you expect me to do man? I don't know if you have eyes or not but that girl right there is smitten" I replied 
"Yeah Hunter, James isn't exactly her type either" Eldon reminded him

I glanced back over at Riley to see her still happily content listening to her boyfriend while he took another drink from his friends
Almost like things were a little too perfect for her

"It's simple, you make them break up" Hunter said making us all scoff

"You make it sound like that is so easy" West laughed passing all of us another drink
"Let's make it interesting at least" Eldon said piping up now 
"What genius idea have you thought up now?" I asked
"Simple, you can't go up and just tell her about the cheating, you have to make her want to break up with him" Eldon said making me furrow my brows at him

"Yes Eldon" Hunter said attempting to make Eldon high five him but that wasn't likely to happen 

"You make her fall in love with you. Make her realise how much more she could have with someone else" Eldon smirked
"And then what? They break up and I just switch it off?" I asked making both Eldon and Hunter not while I exchanged a look with West

"Guys, that's a little heartless. The girl isn't just some pawn in a game" West said 
"The girl is just another one of the clones West. Give her enough of Daddy's money and she'll bounce back" Hunter reminded us
"So that's all I need to do, get her to fall in love with me" I said rolling my eyes at the notion
"No, you have to get her to breakup with lover boy" Hunter explained

"But you cannot mention this game, the cheating. It has to all be of her accord" Eldon said

I looked back over at Riley to see her laughing with the same girl that had arrived with her and Spencer, they were talking about something while the boys were playing yet another drinking game
She's just another one of them sure, so why am I so bothered about the impact this will have?
I shouldn't be 

"I'm in" I muttered instantly making West sigh in disappointment 
Spencer, it's about time you learnt a lesson.

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