12 | Riley

71 5 21

Do ever have a small dip in your mood, like nothing is wrong but nothing also feel right?
I don't know since the other night with Spencer and his family, I've been in a rut and it would seem that no matter who I talk to.. It isn't budging

"Love?" Spencer's voice called into the dorm. I furrowed my brows slightly before poking my head out of my room to see him stood in the kitchen
Thalia was nowhere to be seen so something tells me that she had let him in on his way out

"Hey" I said offering him a smile as I made my way over to him, he offered me the same smile back wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me in to a gentle kiss

"Are you okay? A little birdie told me you haven't really left you dorm for a week unless it was for class?" He asked as the pair of us took a seat on the sofa
"I'm okay" I lied
Lying through my teeth was a quality of mine now. I hate it
"Riley, I've known you since you were sucking your thumb. I know when you aren't okay" He said softly placing his hand on my knee

"It's silly anyway" I muttered but he shook his head
"I'm sure it's not" He reminded

"Am I just an object? An obedient object?" I asked making Spencer sigh taking his hands into mine

"Is this about the other night?" He asked, I bit my lip lightly not really sure as to whether or not I could trust telling him that. Whether I could trust him knowing he managed to get under my skin
But sure enough with in a moment I was nodding my head

"Love, I apologise. I didn't mean it like that at all, I just.." He started before trailing off
"I want us to work more then anything, you know that. You know that I love you but I hate when you and Mum nitpick at each other" He reminded me
"I can guarantee you would not like it if your father and I didn't get along. I reckon that would cause far more problems" He explained making me nod

"You know I've tried with your Mum though. I've never intentionally done anything to cause a rift, it's just always been that way long before we started dating" I reminded him
"I get that, I do. I'm her only child though Riley" He said making me sigh

"I didn't mean to do anything wrong, but it seems in her eyes I can't do anything right" I muttered

"How about we go do something today? Just the two of us. We'll leave the worry of our parents behind us" He offered
"Don't you have classes all day?" I asked and he nodded
"Say the word and I cancel it all" He smiled

It was the type of smile that we would always share, it was one I had truly missed. Since I moved here we've had little to know time together and the time we did have, was usually spent with one of our families or we were preparing for some big gathering of some sort

"I would like that" I smiled making Spencer nod as he leant forward pressing his lips softly against mine

Through out the time I've known Spencer, we've had a handful of occasions where one of us (Mainly myself) has not been okay, we handle that in a multitude of ways but part of me thinks that just spending the day together isn't going to fix that..
"We are here" Spencer smiled pulling into a small little courtyard, I looked at him a little confused

"Come on Love, you can't tell me you've forgotten this place?" He asked making me look around

He was right, this place was certainly one I shouldn't have forgotten

"Is this or is it not the place we met?" Spencer asked hugging my waist from behind as we started to walk in
"Technically not, I met you at Emily's 4th Birthday Party" I said making him chuckle
"Yes but this was the first place we properly met as teenagers" He reminded me pecking my cheek

"We were 11, hardly teenagers Spence" I said making Spencer roll his eyes while taking my hand as we walked into the building

He wasn't wrong though, this place is the first real place we got to know each other. Our families had known each other long before thing, in fact most of my life I thought that Emily would end up with Spencer's older brother but here we are
Preparing her to wed to someone completely different

"They still have your favourite" Spencer whispered into my ear coming up behind me again with all the gear we would need
"Really? It's been so long since?" I asked
"She didn't join the club until our last year here Love" He reminds me as we walked hands and hands over to the stables

We spent so much time here as kids, alongside Dance, this place was a my safe haven. Riding the horses gave you that little bit of thrill that couldn't be beaten

"There they are" Spencer smiled as we approached the two horses that we would always ride together
Midnight and Phoenix
"They don't look like they've changed at all" I smiled walking over to Midnight's Stable stroking her nose lightly giving making her nuzzle my hand further
"Looks like she's still smitten with you Riley" Spencer smiled while he stood by Phoenix

It wasn't long before we had both the horses prepped, ready and off into the wind
We ended up right at our usual spot. Spencer and I used to spend hours here. And I mean Hours

"Do you remember that one time you missed out on the banquet because we were out here till late?" Spencer asked as we sat by the tree, the horses were off eating the grass exploring while Spencer and I reminisced slightly

"You mean the night my Dad almost killed you?" I asked making Spencer laugh as he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me in closer
"Something like that" He muttered pecking my cheek
"I would kill to be those kids again" I sighed making Spencer nod
"I get it, those kids didn't have anything to worry about. Now here we are 5 years later with our parents breathing down our necks over everything little thing" He explained

"I just, sometimes I just want to leave it all behind. I don't know how much more I can take of this stuff".I explained making Spencer look at me with a small sigh

"I get it Love I do, it's overwhelming. Trust me, it doesn't get any easier. Sadly we aren't the same kids who can sit at the back of etiquette class laughing at the shape of Lady Denver's nose" He said making the pair of us laugh
"We all had to grow up in the end but I wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else" He smiled looking down at me

With in a moment, he leant down pressing his lips against mine. I leant up placing my hand on his cheek making him smile into the kiss before we pulled away

"I don't want to do doing this with anyone else, I promise" He smiled
"I wouldn't want to either" I smiled

But I couldn't tell if that was the truth or deep down part of me was lying..?

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