16 | Riley

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"Riley, this is the one time I'll allow this" Emily said as we walked into the bar. She was due to be married in 3 months and Will thought it would be a good idea for her to have a 'night out on the town'
But I can promise, Emily will be in bed long before 11pm

As soon as I walked in it wasn't hard to pick our the usual gang from the crowd, mainly because I knew Thalia was out too but they were always here. I had already anticipated that it would be the case of bumping into them

Emily and I continued to walk into the bar until we had taken a seat in one of the booths, Emily looked disgusted with the place and I couldn't blame her

This wasn't the typical place you'd find Emily, she's more of a morning tea afternoon brunch sort of girl

"What do you want to drink?" I asked
"What wine do they have?" She said curiously
"Emily we didn't come to a freaking bar for you to sit here drinking wine" I rolled my eyes
"You could and would have done that at home" I warned her earning a scoff
"I don't drink anything else Riley" Emily argued
"I'll choose for you then" I said rolling my eyes scooting out the booth heading to the bar

Unfortunately for me, everyone was hanging around there. Luckily, James didn't try and say anything, he didn't even both making eye contact
"So the she devil actually came out then?" Thalia laughed as I joined her
"She is already driving me insane Thal, she wanted to order bloody wine" I said making Thalia burst out laughing again

"I mean we do sell wine so she can have some if she-" Eldon starts before both Thalia and I shoot him a look
"I'll shut up" He said making both of us nod
"Can I get two vodka lemonades though please?" I asked and Eldon nodded

"Your probably the only person in this place tonight that has manners" He chuckled
"Emily does, too much if I'm honest" I muttered making Thalia chuckle
"She has to be if she's actually going through with getting married so someone who bought her" Thalia said
"Did they actually buy her?" Michelle asked making me turn slightly looking at everyone else

James was still hung up on his phone, he didn't bother to join in the conversation or even look in any of our directions
I know that I hurt him by cutting him off but I don't know.. I had hope he could be civil..

"Not to the extent your thinking" I explained
"Dad did a business deal with his parents in exchange for her hand in marriage" I said
"But luckily for Em, she's been in love with that boy long before they knew their lefts and rights" I said with a short smile

Emily may be going the wrong way with this but the only benefit I can see from it is the fact that she truly does love Will and Will really does love her
Had this been a normal sort of relationship, they would have married a long time ago

"So what business deal did Daddy make for you?" James asked making me look at him, Michelle gave him a nudge as if to say 'pack it in' while West glared at him slightly

"Nothing" I warned him
"My father knows where I stand on all that bullshit" I added making James nod with a scoff
"Could have fooled me" He said with snark in his tone

I shook my head before turning back to Eldon to see him offering a small smile while holding two glasses for me
"I'll start your tab?" He asked making me nod before I slowly walked away

"James pack it in." Michelle warned him as I walked away
But something tells me it doesn't matter what someone says to him. He has every right to be like this I guess?

"Okay okay" Emily giggled, we were maybe on the 6th round and to say this girl was drunk would be an understatement. I can see why she sticks with Wine, she cannot handle her alcohol.

"Let's dance Rilesss"She sung grabbing my hands pulling me out the booth, I had already text Will in the hope he would come and pick her up but I was yet to hear a response

As much as I love this side of Emily, the side that doesn't seem to care about anything, but with that comes the back lash
She's uncontrollably emotional, this girl has gone from laughing as something that happened when we were babies to crying thinking about the fact she going to have kids of her own and they'll eventually move out and leave her

"I'm sure we can find some pretty boys to dance with us" She said looking around the bar, I shook my head at her pulling her away the moment that her eyes latched on to the gang

"Riley isn't that the boy that Dad-" She started before I cut her off pulling her away from them but for someone completely and utterly intoxicated she was stronger then I had anticipated

"Hey you!" Emily yelled making all of the gang look up including James as Emily ended up hurtling towards him
"You touched my little sister" She said pointing directly at him
"Because of you, Dad wants to send her away! Why are you doing that" She slurred, I grabbed her arm pulling her away
"Don't make him take her away, if he does I'll have you bottom on a platter" She said before giggling turning to me

"Bottom, I said bottom Riley" She giggled making me roll my eyes
"How about we get you some fresh air Em yeah? It won't be long until Will is here to take you home" I offered making her nod with a smile
"Oh will" She giggled

"Did you know, he told me not to tell anyone this but he farts really loud in bed" She giggled as we started to walk outside

Luckily, it wasn't long until Will arrived. I helped him pile Emily into the car with all of her emotions running wild. Once again she was giggling at the look of Will's face to then crying because we closed the door
But sure enough, they were soon driving away not looking back
"Hey" A voice said making me jump before turning around

James stood by the entrance of the bar leaning against the wall, I raised a brow at him before attempting to walk away
"Ri please" He whispered making me shake my head at him
"Sorry, Daddy wouldn't allow it" I said glaring at him

James of all people knows how much that would annoy me, how much it would make my blood boil. Yet he still went there..

"Riley" He said stepping towards me
"What do you want me to say James? I'm sorry I cut you off, I'm sorry we're walking about like we don't know each other. But I'm not sorry that I had to do it. We wouldn't match whether we wanted to or not" I warned him but I didn't think that matter, James took a step towards me to the point were were almost pressed against each other

"I have a boyfriend James, you need to accept that" I whispered looking up at him
"I don't see him around Ri" He whispered back
"Just because he isn't around, doesn't make the point any less valid" I said making him nod

"So walk away" James said keeping the eye contact with me
"Walk away and I'll leave you alone for good" He whispered

But my feet didn't move at all, I stayed in this position looking up at him, noticing the small dimple on the left side of his lips getting deeper the wider the smile on his face got

It wasn't long until my hands reached up cupping his cheek crashing our lips together
As soon as we pulled away James attempted to place his forehead against mine while his hand were trying to circle around my waist but I shook my head

"I shouldn't have done that" I whispered making James chuckle
"You didn't walk away" He said making me nod

"No but I am now.." I whispered turning to leave, I could hear James calling after me but I couldn't help but think about how royally I had just messed up..

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