27| James

23 2 17

We managed to all get to the pier in one piece. Riley and I were in the front seats while Piper Beth and Brody were all in the back. I could already here the backlash coming from Beth the moment I told her she was in the back
She had always sat in the front but that was when it would just be the 4 of us going
At that point there was no need for her in the back

"So is this trip to the pier for anything special or just an outing?" Riley as the pair of us walked hand in hand. Piper and Brody had already ran off to the game and Beth was just slightly ahead of us
"Outing" Beth scoffed under her breath with an eyeroll shortly to follow 
"It was just something we used to always do" I explained
"That's sweet, sort of like the PB&J thing you have going on?" Riley smiled making Beth stop in her tracks turning to look at her before then briefly looking at me 

"How do you know about that?" She asked making Riley look a little confused her gaze shooting between the pair of us
"I just - When I was cooking breakfast this morning Brody and Piper told me" Riley said timidly
"They told you? I doubt that. James you told her didn't you" Beth snapped making me glare at her

"No Beth, I didn't. But I don't see what the big deal is right now? That nickname is something to do with me and my siblings. Something I thought of when they were merely babies. Long before you were around" I said making her breath instantly
"James" Riley said softly 
"What is the problem here Beth?" I asked again watching as her eyes darkened before letting out a huff of air

"Absolutely nothing" She bit back turning on her heels walking in the direction Piper and Brody had shortly gone to

"Look maybe I should just head off for the day, I need to speak to Emily anyway James. I don't want to intrude on your day" Riley said trying to put some distance between the two of us instantly
"Hey no no, I swear you aren't intruding" I said but she shook her head
"It's okay I promise. We can arrange something later? I think Thalia is out till light so you could come to the dorm if you'd like" She offered but I wasn't ready for her to walk away from this right now
"Riley please, Beth is just - I don't know what she's doing but you don't need to leave" I explained
"I'm not leaving for good, you'll see me later" She reminded me
"But-" I started, Riley stepped forward placing a hand on my cheek stroking it lightly 

"This is still new, it's all fresh James. My break up with Spencer, coming into your life and meeting Beth and your siblings. It'll take time for everyone to adjust" Riley whispered
"Go and spend the day with them and we'll sort something out later" she concluded 

"Ri" I said back but she rolled her eyes
"Stop being so stubborn, I'll see you late I swearrrr" She said making the end of the word longer like this was going to help her case

"I'll give you a call as soon as we are done here" I sighed, there way no chance I was going to win this right now and I guess this would give me chance to find out what Beth's problem is right now
"Sounds good to me" She smiled before leaning up pecking my lips 


I walked Riley to the end of the pier making she got in a taxi safely before returning to the arcade where Brody was winning Piper what looked like her third prize of the day. There will be plenty more to come knowing the two of them
Beth briefly looked over her shoulder at me glaring until she did a double take and noticed that Riley was not there this time. 
She turned back around fully, her glare instantly disappearing making it very known her problem wasn't with me, it was with Riley 

"James look!" Piper said holding up a panda that Brody had just won her, I looked up to see a proud grin on his face. This is his favourite thing, not the pier itself but the idea of winning things and making Piper happy 
"Woah Pipes, that's the big prize isn't it?" I asked making her nod confidently 

"Where is Riley?" Brody asked making Piper realise she wasn't there, I wasn't surprised she hadn't noticed. After all this place can be overwhelming at the best of the time
"Her sister needed her for something but she'll be back later" I said offering them both smiles
Piper didn't match the smile, in fact her face looked a little defeated and that was something Brody picked up on instantly.. as always 

"Just like James has to leave his friends to come to us sometimes Pipes but he always goes back to them eventually" Brody said wrapping an arm around our little sisters shoulder as he guided her to the next game 

I wasn't surprised that in the matter of seconds that their backs were turned Beth made her move to come over towards me but right now honestly she was the last person I wanted to speak to
"I didn't realise they wanted her here that ba-" She started
"You think that they invited her because she was there? No Beth." I said taking a step towards my siblings
"James come on it's not like I told her she had to leave" Beth argues
"No? Was the yelling at the pair of us over a nickname that didn't involve you an invite to stay?" I asked
"Was the whole attitude you've had since you got to our house this morning an welcome?" I continued making her sigh avoiding all eye contact with me 

"Look I get it Beth. We made plans with you, you wanted it to just be like old times but we aren't the same people we were then. Riley is on the scene and-" I started before her head snapped back to look at me
"She's on the scene? May I remind you that this was all a dare for you James? That sick twisted game you and the boys decided to play to get back at Spencer?" She yelled 

"Does she know that all of this was nothing but a game to you? To all of you?" Beth asked making my jaw tighten 

"Is that true?" A soft voice said behind me making both Beth and I widen our eyes..

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