20 | Riley

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Once again, everyone tried there best to try and get through to me while I hid out in my room but after a couple hours I think they took the hint that I needed time
I don't really know how I'm feeling if I'm completely honest

I wasn't sure what hurt more, the fact Spencer and I were over with after 4 years, or the fact that he cheated
Or if it was the way I found out?

Part of me knows I shouldn't really be mad at James anymore, but another part can't seen to get past it

There were ways to tell me something like that and his way was certainly not the right way..

Tonight Emily had devised a plan to distract Dad from the problem at hand but I couldn't help but think this was a total bad idea. The closer it got the more anxious I got about all of it
I tried my best to calm myself down but I don't think that was plausible with the situation at hand

"Holy fuck Riley you look hot" Thalia practically screamed making everyone look at me while I scoffed

"I would be scared to be in a business meeting with you girl" She said making me roll my eyes
"Your training to be a lawyer Thal, you might want to sort that issue out" I said making the gang laugh

"Where are you off to?" Michelle asked softly

I knew they had all heard earlier's antics. They all knew that Spencer and I had broken up, I could always tell they were going to walk over egg shells around me for a little while

"I have another dinner with my parents tonight. Someone needs to break the news of their failed business deal" I said looking down lightly before sighing grabbing my shoes from the rack
"I thought you weren't a business deal?" Hunter asked making me look up
"I'm not, at least I'm not supposed to be but Dad saw and opportunity and he took it welcome to the world of a family 'empire' " I said putting quotes around empire

"What's he going to say? Or do for that matter?" Thalia asked and I shrugged

For the first time in my life, I didn't know. Dad probably won't react well straight off the bat, I reckon he'll scream, he'll yell but I hope that eventually he will settle down and accept it?
Or is that just wishful thinking..

"If I don't come back tonight don't worry but if I don't come back in like a couple days, they've either shipped me off or-" I started before Hunter cut me off
"Murdered you?" He asked making everyone glare at him while I laughed lightly

"Or murdered me" I concluded making him off me a small smile

"Are you not going to take clothes or anything with you in case you stay over again?" Thalia asked but I shook my head
"Thal, I have enough clothes there to clothe an entire country, I'll be fine" I said making her nod before I turned to leave

I couldn't help but glance at James, he was looking at me with a light smile, offering me the slightest of comfort, I need to focus on one problem at a time..
How about I take back control of my life and worry about the rest at a later time..

The atmosphere in this room right now was tense, Emily, Will and I sat on one side of the table while Mum and Dad sat at the head of the table.
The usual seating arrangements however, I would usually be sat opposite Emily next to Spencer
And the fact Spencer isn't here is probably already ringing alarm bells to them

"So girls, what was so important you asked us to join you this evening?" Mum said softly batting her eyelids at Emily
"We all needed to talk" Emily said taking the first step, one I would have not had the confidence to do

"Riley why don't you speak for yourself instead of hiding behind your sister" Dad said making me look at him.
He knew..

"I think you and I both know that Spencer's parents have been on the phone with me all day trying to make right all of your wrong going in the last 24 hours" He explained
"You are to apologise to the boy and-" He started before I cut him off

"No" I whispered making him raise a brow at me

"Excuse me?" He questioned, everyone around the table were looking at the two of us. It was all or nothing right now. I either laid it all out on the table or I walked away and accepted his plan

"I will not apologise to the boy who's been cheating on me for god knows how long. I apologise that your business deal didn't work out but I will not going back on what I have done" I explained
"When I was younger I made you very clear on where I stood on this arranged marriage thing and that point still stands" I said making him shake his head at me

"I won't be a puppet on nobody's strings Dad, if you really care about your daughters you'll accept that" I said

I knew that one last comment would really hit him harder then he thinks.
Emily and I have always been his pride and joy or at least that is what he claims
Sure the pair of us couldn't be further opposites but he's always seemed to respect our choices up until recently

"I think you need to remember who you are talking to" Dad warned and I nodded
"I'm trying to speak to my Dad, not my father" I said standing up from the table

Walking out of dinner was never a good idea, it's never a good idea to walk away from my parents regardless of the situation. But I knew if I sat there much longer, it would have all come crashing down

"Riley" A stern voice said behind me
"Dad" I replied in the same tone as he came out to join me in the garden

He sighed taking a seat before looking at me
"I don't want to be a business deal anymore Dad, I never wanted to be one in the first place" I explained
"You aren't one Riley. I just think that you and Spencer-" He started again before stopping himself

"He really hurt you didn't he" Dad asked making me look at him and nod

"Dad you were so concerned about seeing me at a ball with someone else that you seemed to neglect the point that Spencer wasn't there at all. He told me he had a game with the boys but in fact he was in bed with someone else. He couldn't accept that I was waiting, he couldn't accept that I had my own rules and morals" I explained making Dad sigh and nod

"Just because he isn't around anymore Riley doesn't mean you can neglect any of your responsibilities. You still need to keep good grades in class, attend all of the events, I don't want to see you laying low with some townie, I don't want to see you parading around the town with no care in the world" He explained

"Your still showing the family name" Dad said making me nod

Sure it wasn't the response or outcome I had wanted but it was better then nothing..

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