31| James

30 2 15

"I wouldn't say she's avoiding you guys but-" Thalia started, it's been over a month now and we are still yet to make any progress with Riley. She'll always be tucked up in her room, with Emily or in the library that only medical students can access
She's got the perfect plan to avoid us and it's working..

"She's avoiding us" I muttered taking a sip of my coffee, we had been hanging out in this café since their school year started, it worked for me the most because Brody and Piper would come and meet us after school before I walked them home and got them sorted
Things between the three of us wasn't completely fixed, I know Brody is mad at me for what I did to Riley, I'm not sure why it hit so hard for him though
I expected it from Piper but definetly not Brody 
"Give her some time boys, you know what you did was royally messed up" Michelle reminded them 

The moment she finished her sentence the door to the café opened and Emily, Will and Riley walked. Riley offered the girls and probably West a passing smile before taking a booth in the corner. They were still visible to people coming and going but were tucked away enough to know they didn't want to be bothered

But that wasn't going to happen. Will left their booth for not even 2 minutes before the cause of everyone's problems walked straight into the café and zeroed in on Riley instantly 
"Should we?" Eldon asked, I watched as Spencer approached the booth but by the smirk on Emily's lips I don't think we were needed 

"Finished ruining my life yet?" Spencer said finally gaining Riley's attention
"Not yet, you're still here so" Riley quipped back making me raise a brow
"Any allergies you want to tell us about? Might speed up the process you know?" Emily added causing the boys to burst out laughing as we watched the entire exchange
"Threatening to kill me, charming Emily" Spencer said narrowing his eyes at her

"Keep looking at my fiancé like that and I promise it won't be a threat" Will's voice said making us all aware of his presence again as he comes back into the main room

"Whatever. You lot aren't worth it anyway" Spencer said scoffing turning to look at all of us, the moment he saw me he smirked and I knew I was the next target on his agenda 
"What's wrong James? Even with Riley completely single, you still can't get a shot?" Spencer smirked while I rolled my eyes. I knew better then to rise to his level but what came next was something I couldn't predict, had I been able to I would have done whatever I could to stop it

"He might not be with Riley but at least he got her to sleep with him" Hunter yelled through the entire café, both Emily and Will looked towards Riley like this was news to them. Riley looked directly at me and I could already see the hurt growing on her face up until the minute she bolted from the café.. 


I'd done everything I could think of to try and track down Riley but I had it half set in my brain that it was already a dead ended road
She didn't want to talk to me before Hunter opened his mouth, why would she want to talk to me now?

"No luck?" West asked as I joined everyone at the beach, the same beach that we first saw Riley officially at
"How did you even know?" I asked Hunter after shaking my head to West's question
"What do you mean? We all knew?" Hunter said, I knew he had been beating himself up since it happened but that doesn't take it back at all

"I never told you lot a single thing about it, so how did you know Hunt?" I asked
"It was obvious to us James" Michelle said
"Even I have to agree there. I'm pretty sure we could pinpoint that date it happened" Thalia said making me raise a brow at her

"You two started sneaking around, we pretended we didn't notice but we did. In fact that night you spent in her room, we did come back that night but after we made the assumption you were in the room together. We left you to it" Eldon said 
"What the hell" I muttered to myself
"Things shifted between you two rather quickly, it was obvious" Hunter mumbled
"Plus you making out in the middle of our college hallway didn't help matters James" Thalia said smirking at me 

Before any of us had a chance to say anything else, a small whisper grabbed my attention instantly 
Walking down by the water was Riley and Emily, they were close enough that if everyone stayed quiet we could hear them

"But you didn't tell me Riles, since when did we keep secrets?" Emily asked sounding a little hurt
"How was I supposed to bring that up Em really? It's not like it was planned or anything" Riley explained
"I know but I don't know, this feels weird" Emily laughed while Riley rolled her eyes
"Are you really not going to talk to him? I mean if you went that far with him he clearly meant something to you Riley. You haven't even thought about that with any-" Emily started

"It was a game Emily, simple as that. Who knows maybe my virginity was nothing but a trophy for the wall. After all isn't that why he gloated about it to the boys?" Riley said, I instantly wanted to rush over to her to correct her

She had it all wrong, so damn freaking wrong but nothing I said was going to change that. Nothing I could say would make her believe me

Maybe this is a bridge that can't be rebuilt after the fire

"You won't hear him out Riley. You don't know what really happened, you don't know how he really feels and you-" Emily started 
"And I don't want to know Emily!" Riley yelled, this time grabbing the attention of the entire gang and any random people around us

"I don't what to know how he feels, what the hell went on in his head because at the end of the day it won't change what happened. His intentions at the start will remain the same. If I know the reason's behind it, if somehow this becomes validated it'll only hurt that much more" Riley explained making my heart sink even further into my chest

"James will just have to stay in the past with all the drama from this year. And that's the final answer" Riley muttered to Emily before turning back around heading in the opposite direction

Emily looked over at me offering me a sympathetic look before shaking her head rushing after her sister

I'd completely lost Riley now and there was nothing I could do about it
And I couldn't blame her in the slightest

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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