26 | Riley

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The next morning I was awoken to the sound of some pots or pans banging together followed by a slightly heated conversation you could say
"Piper I swear to god" Brody said, I briefly looked over to see James still asleep the noise hadn't woken him up but somehow that doesn't surprise me at all 

I pulled the duvet off of me grabbing a pair of James' joggers and a hoodie before heading out of the room downstairs towards the voices that were just getting more and more louder
"You don't know what you are doing! You are going to burn this place down!" Brody continued to yell
"Will you stop yelling before you wake someone up" Piper bit back before I walked into the kitchen 

"Morning guys" I said offering them a smile, Piper's eyes widened while Brody took a sigh of relief
"Did we wake you? I'm so sorry" Piper fussed making me shake my head

"It's okay, you didn't" I lied
"What's going on in here though?" I asked looking at the mess in front of Piper
"I'm making everyone breakfast" Piper said with a wide smile on her face while Brody put his head down on the table in annoyance
"She doesn't know how to cook, she is either going to burn this house down or we'll all be shitting our insides out for a decade" Brody groaned making me laugh a little

"Not true!" Piper squealed making me chuckle as I walked over to join her in front of Brody 

I looked amongst all of the ingredients Piper had in front of her, it was a mess so I can't blame Brody for jumping to the conclusion that this wasn't going to end well
But sure enough some of the ingredients she had in front of her I could actually use to make something semi decent
Now I'm no chef but my grandad did teach me a thing or two over the years 

"I can make us some of my grandad's famous pancakes?" I offered making both Piper and Brody's eyes light up. Piper dropped everything in her hand to go onto the other side  of the counter to sit next to Brody while I started cooking

"What makes them famous?" Brody asked, his whole attitude to me this morning seems to have shifted. I'm not going to overanalyse it or read into it too much
"I guess you'll have to try them and see" I smiled making him roll his eyes

"Are they just plain pancakes?" Piper asked but I shook my head
"That's the beauty of pancakes Piper, you can add whatever you would like in them and it won't matter" I said
"Ooo! Can I have chocolate chips?" She said clapping her hands before picking up a big back of chocolate chips, I nodded lightly before turning to Brody

"You seem like a Banana person?" I asked making Brody furrow his brow dropping his jaw lightly 
"how the" He asked making Piper laugh
"you're just that readable B" She said poking him 

"Where is James anyway?" Brody asked quickly switching topic making Piper roll her eyes
"Snoring his ass off, I can hear him from here" Piper said earning a glare from Brody
"Language" He warned her making me smile at the pair of them

"you two certainly are a package deal aren't you?" I smiled making both of them nod
"the three of us are! PB&J" Piper gushed making me chuckle as I continued to make the batter for the pancakes
"Like the sandwich?" I asked and Brody nodded
"It's something James came up with when Piper was a baby. There was a never a problem that sandwich couldn't solve" Brody said with an eyeroll
"So it's actually after the sandwich or?" I asked 

"Basically, whenever we had a problem whether it be James flunking in school, Piper struggling with her emotions or-" Brody started before Piper cut him off
"Or Brody being the ass of the year" Piper added earning another eyeroll from Brody
"We would turn to that specific sandwich. I don't know how it happened or why it's a thing but it's just always been that way" He continued

"So we have P for Piper, B for Brody and J for James" Piper smiled sneaking a couple chocolate chips after I opened the bag

"I think that's really sweet actually, my sister and I do that with sweets" I said making both of them smile
"my nickname with our parents has always been Jelly bean and Emily's was M&M" I smiled making both of them chuckle 


It wasn't long until all the pancakes were ready to eat. James still nowhere to be seen but both Brody and Piper had been sat patiently waiting and I wasn't going to make them wait more
"Here you go" I said handing Piper her chocolate chip pancakes and then handing Brody his banana pancakes

There was a moment of silence as they both took their first bite but the moment they had they both turned to face each other widening their eyes so much that I could have sworn they were going to pop out of their socket 

Before either of them could say anything, James groaned walking into the kitchen clearing his throat scratching the top of his head as his eyes adjusted to the light in the kitchen
"Pancakes?" James said with a morning husk to his voice as he came over to us 

He placed on arm on the counter while the other landed on my waist as he looked over my shoulder
"You've got blueberry pancakes" I said to him as he pecked my cheeks
"how did you know that was my favourite?" He said making me shrug

"James I suggest you try those pancakes right now!" Piper squealed making James tense up at the sudden volume as he grabbed a fork
"Riley can you come make breakfast every day?" Brody asked making me chuckle 

"You made this Ri?" James asked making me nod
"they are incredible" He smiled kissing my cheek again tracing circles into my waist smiling

"James? Piper? Brody?" A voice called making me jump lightly as the four of us turned to look at the door to the kitchen, moments later Beth walked in looking a little taken back 
"Riley, hey" She said with a fake smile on her face
"hey" I replied taking another bite of my pancakes in front of me

"What's up Beth?" James asked still with his arm around me
"Well I figured Piper would be trying to cook right about now. I guess it didn't go so badly this time?" Beth said smiling to Piper
"I didn't cook! Riley did!" Piper answered turning to look at me smiling only making Beth glare a little bit

It was barely noticeable but I could see it clear as day..

"Are we still on for today?" Beth asked talking a few steps into the kitchen. She was now stood directly between Piper and James with his hand gently placed on James' arm making him attempt to shake it off

"Today?" Brody asked
"I thought we were all going to the pier like we al-" Beth started before Piper cut her off making all of us jump

"Riley can you come too?!" She squealed making Beth raise a brow at her
"I don't know Pipes, it seems that you already have plans" I reminded him but she shook her head
"Why can't Riley come James?" Piper asked making James chuckle pulling me a little closer
"She can P" He laughed
"Do you want to?" James asked looking down at me with a soft smile on his lips

"Sure" I answered back before turning to see Beth looking at me with a more stern glare. It was clear she was not happy about that recent development..

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