The note that hurt

443 18 4

"Rollins where's Amaro?" Olivia asked

"I haven't seen him since he stormed out yesterday."

"Did you call his cell?"

"Yeah 3 times"

Liv went to look for a clue or message or note or something to find out where he went she finally found something it was a note for her it said

       "Liv I love you but I hate the fact that you chose "HIM" over me so if you ever wanna see your Elliot  again you'll cone to this address "1324 Broadway st."
           - Nick

Liv than ran to her office  and made some calls to the swat team and anyone else and after she did she grabbed her keys and told Rollins, Finn, and Carisei to follow her they all got their stuff and ran after her

~~1324 Broadway St  at an abandoned warehouse~~

All you hear were radios scatters and police talk from every where. Olivia called her squad over and stared talking

"Alright vests on. And meet me by the door in 2 minutes"

~~~2 minutes later~~~

"Okay were  gonna split up Finn you take Rollins and cover the down area. Carisei  you take the 2nd and 3rd floor. I'll take the rest. "

They split up and Liv yelled " Elliot?!? Nick!?!?"

No answer

Liv sighed "NICK!?!?!"

Still no answer

Olivia call the team one the radio
"Guys status update"

*Rollins over radio *
Nothing haven't found them yet.

Liv sighed

"Carisei ? Anything?"

*Carisei over the raido*

Negative boss

Okay keep looking guys we gotta find them

*All of the over the raido*

Roger that

Liv keeps walking up the stairs until she hears something.  She takes out her gun  and shouts "NICK?!?!?"  She keeps walking til she gets to the top and sees Elliot.  She runs to him

"Elliot are you okay?" She says as she's removes the duck tape from his mouth

"Yeah I'm fine. "

"Here unite you self"

Elliot gets up and Olivia notices blood on his side

"Your bleeding. "
Liv gets a rag  on the floor and started unbuttoned his shirt and cleaning the flesh  wound.

"Liv why did you come? This is exactly what he wants."

"I know El." She says wrapping the wound up

"Than why are you here?"
Liv stands straight

"You know a simple thank you would be nice."

"Liv why are so stupid! ?!?"

"Elliot why are you acting this way ? This isn't you !!"

Elliot was about to say something but before he could answer Nick came out with a gun.

"Well well well, trouble in paradise? "

"Nick why did you do this?"Olivia asked

"isn't it obvious to get this ass hole  out of the picture."

Nick  aimed the gun at Elliot

"Nick please don't do this!!"  Olivia begged him

"SHUT UP LIV! I'm doing this for us."

"Don't do this I'll do anything. "

Nick lower his gun down a little

"Anything? " he asked

"Anything. Just let him go, than we can be alone isn't that what you want?"

Nick put his gun down and told him to leave. Elliot turned to Olivia

"I'm not leaving you."

"Elliot just go please I'll be fine."


Nick was getting pissed and olivia noticed it so she thought quick and stared pushing Elliot towards the stairs.

"Olivia what are doing ?"

"Leave Elliot please just go."

Elliot looked at here with sad eyes


Olivia whispered something to him .

"Elliot I don't want to see you anymore. "

Nick smiled when she said that

Elliot than caught on to what she was doing

"Liv please don't do this to me. Please I love you!"

Liv started crying

"Yeah. Well.... I don't love you. I love Nick and you can't change that so why don't you do us  both a favor and leave me the hell alone." Liv winked at him

And at that elliot left

Nick walked up to Olivia

"What did you  tell him when you got quite? "

"I - I told him to leave

"Really "


Nick put his gun down on the table and walked closer to Liv.

Liv started walking around until she touched the table and the gun. She put in the back of her pants under her shirt so he wouldn't see it.

"We're finally alone"


Nick cut her off

"I'm gonna enjoy this. "

Olivia was about to say something but all of sudden she  was lip locked with Nick, Nick stared unbutton her shirt and Olivia pulled away but Nick grabbed her and started to undo her belt


"Shh baby"


Than Rollins came running in and runs  to  Nick and pulls him off of Liv  and turns him around  and handcuffs him

"Liv you okay?" She shouts

"Yeah I'm fine. "

She hears footsteps and sees Elliot and runs to him and hugs him.

Elliot covers her up with his NYPD jacket .

"Elliot, Elliot.- she trails off

"Shhhh Liv it's okay, your okay. "

How my love for stabler got started♥Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora